Avtor/Urednik     Bečaj, J
Naslov     Disocialnost pri otrocih in mladostnikih
Prevedeni naslov     Deviant behaviour in young people
Tip     članek
Vir     Slov Pediatr
Vol. in št.     Letnik 10, št. 1
Leto izdaje     2003
Obseg     str. 12-27
Jezik     slo
Abstrakt     Disturbances of behaviour and personality are considered to be among the most difficult disturbances in the psychosocial development of children and adolescents. The first problem lies in the fact that they are not caused by a single factor, but, as a rule, by combinations of factors, so that the relative importance of individual risk factors changes from case to case. Another problem is related to the fact that a vicious circle of mutual rejection between the deviant child or adolescent and his/her environment can develop and thus the conduct disorder can gradually become self-sustaining. Emotional disturbances usually form the basis for behavioural disturbances, while the typical antisocial behavioural syndrome most often develops at the end of compulsory schooling. When the disturbance is well entrenched, possibilities for effective correction are very much reduced. Therefore, the main emphasis must be on early recognition of the population at risk and prevention. It is extremely important to raise the awareness that these children and adolescents are essentially different from their peers and thus special methods are required. Hence, regular educational methods and advice cannot be effective.
Izvleček     Motnje vedenja in osebnosti (MVO) sodijo med najtežje motnje v psihosocialnem razvoju otrok in mladostnikov. Prva težava je v tem, da niso povzročene z enim samim dejavnikom, pač pa praviloma s kombinacijami, zaradi česar se specifična teža posameznih ogrožajočih dejavnikov spreminja od primera do primera. Druga težava pa je v dejstvu, da se med disocialnim otrokom ali mladostnikom ter socialnim okoljem oblikuje začarani krog medsebojnega odklanjanja, zaradi česar se začne vedenjska problematika sčasoma vzdrževati sama od sebe. Osnova za nastanek vedenjskih motenj so praviloma čustvene rnotnje, tipični disocialni vedenjski sindrom pa se največkrat razvije proti koncu šoloobveznosti. Ko je motnja dobro utrjena, se možnosti za učinkovito korekcijo zelo zmanjšajo. Zato bi moral biti poudarek predvsem na zgodnjem odkrivanju ogroženega dela populacije ter preventivi. Posebnega pomena je zavedanje, da gre za otroke in mladostnike, ki so bistveno drugačni od ostalih vrstnikov, kar zahteva poseben pristop. Z običajnimi vzgojnimi postopki in nasveti ne moremo biti učinkoviti.