Avtor/Urednik     Petrović, D; Delimar, N; Arslanagić, E; Treščec, A
Naslov     Biološka standardizacija alergogenskog ekstrakta Ambrosia elatior
Prevedeni naslov     Biological standardization of allergen extract Ambrosia elatior
Tip     članek
Vir     Pluć Boles
Vol. in št.     Letnik 43, št. 1-2
Leto izdaje     1991
Obseg     str. 98-100
Jezik     hrs
Abstrakt     Allergenic activity of allergen extract Ambrosia elatior (AE) was tested in fifteen volunteers extremely sensitive to the allergen. The research was performed by using the qunatitative prick (P) and the intradermal (ID) test. The results were analyzed by the parallel line assay method. Allergenic activity of the specimen was estimated: by the number of the allergen units (AU) in 1 ml of the undiluted specimen according to the results of the P (prick) test; by the number of the allergen units (AU) in 1 ml of the undiluted specimen according to the results of the I.D. test, and by the in vitro standardized method of the RAST inhibition. These preliminary results show that allergen extract Ambrosio elatior has 100 000 - 130 000 Bu/ml and ca 1000 AU/ml while allergenic activity of the extract measured by the RAST inhibition method has ca 57 000 IU/ml.
Deskriptorji     INTRADERMAL TESTS