Author/Editor     Alič-Žvagen, E
Title     Raven in dinamika prometnih nezgod v Republiki Sloveniji in po območjih UNZ, 1973-1987
Type     članek
Source     In: Modic S, ed. Seminar Zdravstveno varstvo v prometu v Republiki Sloveniji s posebnim poudarkom na cestnem prometu. Promet 6. Ljubljana: Univerzitetni inštitut za medicino dela, prometa in športa,
Publication year     1990
Volume     str. 141-52
Language     slo
Abstract     In the following report the level and dynamics of road accidents and their consequences is presented. The data refer to the republic of Slovenia as a whole and separate regions in the period 1973-1987 with special emphasis on the Novo mesto district. Slovenia is shown as an extremely transit country and the area where important roads cross. According to the number of the people killed outside populated places per 10.000 inhabitants and per 1.000 vehicles and the number of accidents resulting in death and injuries per 1.000 vehicles the Novo mesto district rate is the highest in Slovenia. All the research done has shown that there are statistically significant differences between the Novo mesto district and the rest of Slovenia i.e. the basic assumption staging the contrary comes out of question. Thus some activities and precautions have been suggested and epidemiological and multidisciplinary approach has been demanded to prevent the epidemics of the road traumatism.
Descriptors     ACCIDENTS, TRAFFIC