Author/Editor     Bilban, M
Title     Vinjeni vozniki, povzročitelji cestno-prometnih nezgod v Ljubljani, 1977-1987
Type     članek
Source     In: Modic S, ed. Seminar zdravstveno varstvo v republiki Sloveniji s posebnim poudarkom na cestnem prometu. Promet 6. Ljubljana: Univerzitetni inštitut za medicino dela, prometa in športa,
Publication year     1990
Volume     str. 275-95
Language     slo
Abstract     Driving on our roads is among the most dangerous in Europe. This danger is still intensified by the presence of alcohol. Researches have proved that over 40 per cent of all accidents in road traffic can be attributed to alcohol and more than 90 per cent even to the so-called human factor. Through our piece of work we wanted to pint at the respective state of affairs in Ljubljana. It can be ascertained that the number of vehicles and drivers is constantly on the increase, but that the number of road accidents and of their consequences is nevertheless decreasing. This decrease is considerably grater in connection with accidents in general than with those caused under the injurious influence of alcohol. We have found that drivers who cause road accidents under the influence of alcohol are on the average older in Ljubljana than in the whole of Slovenia and that they posses their driving licence for a longer period. Again, the percentage of women amon them and of drivers of passenger cars respectively is slightly higher than it is the case with the Slovene average. It has been made clearly evident that a driver's physical and mental capacities deteriorate essentially due to the presence of alcohol in blood vessels. It is therefore of the utmost importance that the attitude of drivers as well as other participants in traffic towards the driving under the influence of alcohol should change completely.
Descriptors     ACCIDENTS, TRAFFIC