Author/Editor     Miljković, J; Berčič, M
Title     Težave pri diagnostiki izoliranih psoriaziformnih sprememb na dlaneh in podplatih
Translated title     Diagnostic difficulties of the isolated palmoplantar psoriasisiform changes
Type     članek
Source     In: Miljković J, Berčič M, Marko PB, editors. Zbornik predavanj Dermatološki dnevi: strokovno izpopolnjevanje iz dermatologije z mednarodno udeležbo; 2003 nov 7-8; Maribor. Maribor: Splošna bolnišnica,
Publication year     2003
Volume     str. 135-42
Language     slo
Abstract     All dermatologist have seen patients whose palmar, plantar or palmoptantar psoriasiform changes diagnosed for years as psoriasis, eczema, tinea. atopic deramtitis, contact dermatitis, palmoplantar keratoderma until the correct diagnosis was finally possible. If diagnostic tests exclude mentioned deferential diagnostic possibilities, the last hope for a correct diagnosis remains the histopathological examination. The histologic picture of palmoplantar psoriasis varies considerably with the stage of the lesion and is diagnostic usually only in early lesions. In the long-standing lesions, the histologic picture is usually non specific. very often show features of nonspecific chronic dermatitis or subacute spongiotic dermatitis. The aim of our study is to show some diagnostic problems in diagnosis of isolated palmoplantar psoriasiform changes. t00 randomly selected patients with chronic inflammatory hyperkeratotic changes on palms and-or soles evere examined. The diagnosis of palmoplantar psoriasis was set in 34.5 %, chronic nonspecific dermatitis in 31.5%, and subacute dermatitis in 34% of patients. Compared to our research in 1986 (=20%) and to the data from the literature the results of our research show an increased number of histological identified psoriasis in complete specter of differenicial diagnostics (=12%). We beleive that this fact is the consequence of changed criteria in diagnosing of psoriasis and in the interpretation of the histopathological symptoms.
Descriptors     PSORIASIS