Author/Editor     Humar-Jurič, Tatjana
Title     Nevarne kemikalije - ali jih poznamo?
Type     članek
Source     In: Zbornik referatov 7. simpozij Varnost in zdravje pri delu 2003; 2003 nov 4-5; Rogaška Slatina. Ljubljana: Zveza društev varnostnih inženirjev Slovenije,
Publication year     2003
Volume     str. 128-33
Language     slo
Abstract     One of the most important things related to the use of dangerous chemicals is: how to reduce the risk for human health and the environment. Two of the risk reduction measures, classification and labelling of dangerous chemicals, are in greater detail presented in this article. The main aim of the classification and labelling is to determine of dangerous properties of chemicals and warn the users of dangerous chemicals on the possible risk that they might be subjected to. In greater detail the data safety sheet and label are presented to, they are one of the most significant elements to assure the chemicals safety.