Author/Editor     Ban, Helena
Title     Vpliv resekcije majhnih (AFS 6) in velikih (AFS 5) pregrad maternice na potek in izid nosečnosti ter poroda
Type     monografija
Place     Ljubljana
Publisher     Medicinska fakulteta
Publication year     2003
Volume     str. 42
Language     slo
Abstract     Background: In women with spontaneous abortion, preterm labour or infertility a septate uterus is often detected on transvaginal ultrasound examination. Since 1993 we have used hysteroscopic resection to correct this anomaly. Because of easier diagnosis and less invasive treatment, the indications for hysteroscopic resection have become wider. We use the technique also to resect the arcuate uterus, which was formerly considered a mild form of the partial septate uterus with no impact on reproduction. Aim: To evaluate the effect of the arcuate uterus on pregnancy and its outcome, and the influence of hysteroscopic resection of arcuate uterus on the prognosis of pregnancy. Patients and methods: Retrospectively we analyzed the prospectively collected data. Between 15th February 1993 and 31st December 1999 we performed 760 hysteroscopic resections of the septum at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology in Ljubljana. Among the enrolled women there were 241 with a previous spontaneous abortion or preterm labour, 236 women with primary, 228 with secondary infertility, and 55 women planning their first pregnancy. We aimed at evaluating the influence of hysteroscopic resection of the septum on pregnancy and its outcome, and not at evaluating the impact on infertility. Therefore, we enrolled 241 women, who conceived before and after operation without a problem. The length of the septum was measured after the hysteroscopic resection. Deliveries before and after hysteroscopic resection were analyzed using the data from the National Perinatal Information System of Slovenia. Results: Before hysteroscopic resection there were 111 women with arcuate uterus who had 244 pregnancies: 38 (15.6%) ended in delivery and 202 (82.8%) in spontaneous abortion. In 130 women with septate uterus there were 269 pregnancies: 42 deliveries (15.6%) and 224 (83.3%) spontaneous abortions. (Abstract truncated at 2000 characters).
Descriptors     UTERUS