Author/Editor     Ocepek, Andreja; Skok, Pavel
Title     Recidivne venske tromboze pri bolnici z ulceroznim kolitisom
Translated title     Recurrent venous thrombosis in a patient with ulcerative colitis
Type     članek
Source     Med Razgl
Vol. and No.     Letnik 42, št. Suppl 4
Publication year     2003
Volume     str. 69-70
Language     slo
Abstract     Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis, which belong to the group of chronic inflammatory intestinal diseases (CIID), are frequently manifested by extraintestinal signs and symptoms. Among these, joint and spine inflammation, skin and eye affection, primary sclerosing cholangitis and blood clotting disorders (increaseed coagulability) are the most frequently observed. Especially in young patients with CIID, venous thormbosis and thromboembolic comlications are a significant cause of morbidity and mortality. The incidence of these complications is said to be between 1.3 and 9.0%. In literature, many causes of impaired blood coagulation are reported in these patients, most frequently increased platelet count and activation and abnormal rate and percentage of platelet aggregation. Among other causes mentioned, there are changes of fibrinolysis, prolonged thromboplastin time, increased values of fibrinogen, fibrinopeptid A, blood clotting factors V and VIII, D-dimer, C-reactive protein, inhibitor of plasminogen activator 1, and reduced values of antithrombin III, proteins C and S, nonreactivity to activated protein C as a result of mutation of the gene for factor V Leiden, presence of antiphosfolipid antibodies and hyperhomocysteinemia.
Summary     Crohnova bolezen in ulcerozni kolitis, ki sodita med kronične vnetne črevesne bolezni (KVČB), se pogosto izražata z izvenčrevesnimi simptomi in znaki. Med slednjimi so najpogostejša vnetja sklepov in hrbtenice, prizadetost kože in oči, primarni sklerozantni holangitis in motnje v strjevanju krvi - zvečana koagulabilnost. Zlasti pri mlaj{ih bolnikih s KVČB so venska tromboza in trombembolični zapleti pomemben vzrok obolevnosti in umrljivosti. Pojavnost teh zapletov naj bi bila med 1,3 in 9,0%. V literaturi so pri teh bolnikih opisali številne vzroke motenj strjevanja krvi, najpogosteje povečano število in aktivacijo trombocitov ter motnje v hitrosti in deležu agregacije trombocitov. Med drugimi vzroki so opisali spremembe fibrinolize, podaljšan tromboplastinski čas, povečane vrednosti fibrinogena, fibrinopeptida A, faktorjev strjevanja krvi V in VIII, D-dimera, C-reaktivnega proteina, zaviralca plazminogen aktivatorja-1, zmanjšane vrednosti antitrombina III, proteinov C in S, neodzivnost na aktiviran protein C kot posledico mutacije gena za faktor V Leiden, prisotnost antifosfolipidnih protiteles in hiperhomocisteinemijo.