Author/Editor     Tofant, Alenka; Vučemilo, Marija; Pavičić, Željko; Matković, Kristina; Hađina, Suzana
Title     Zaštita ruku od izloženosti djelovanju pesticida
Translated title     Hand protection from pesticide exposure
Type     članek
Source     In: Dobeic M, Vudrag M, Berger T, editors. Zbornik referatov 1. interdisciplinarni simpozij "DDD, zdravje in okolje" z mednarodno udeležbo; 2003 okt 17-18; Ljubljana. Ljubljana: Zavod za zdravstveno varstvo,
Publication year     2003
Volume     str. 35-9
Language     cro
Abstract     Pesticides are chemical substances used in pest control. According to target species, pesticides are divided into insecticides, herbicides, fungicides and rodenticides. Pesticides are toxins, i.e. substances with detrimental effects on the body. The level of pesticide toxicity and exposure are associated with a risk for those handling them.Both the toxicity and exposure to pesticides can be reduced, the former by dilution and the latter by wearing protective clothes. Hand protection with gloves is an indispensable requirement for the persons working with pesticides. Gloves made from materials chemically resistant to solvents and pesticides, their use (wear), cleaning and safe disposal are described. On manipulating pesticides, the respective chemical compound, formulation and solvent should be known to those involved, as it is a precondition for appropriate choice of protective gloves. The efficiency of protection against pesticide exposure has public health implications, thus the need of proper education is emphasized.
Descriptors     PESTICIDES