Author/Editor     Jevnikar, N
Title     Patohistološka zgradba periapikalnega granuloma bolečih in nebolečih zob ter koreninsko zdravljenih in nezdravljenih zob
Translated title     Pathohistological analysis of the structure of periapical granulomas with reference to clinical symptoms and endodontic status of the affected tooth
Type     članek
Source     Zobozdrav Vestn
Vol. and No.     Letnik 58, št. 3-4
Publication year     2003
Volume     str. 72-80
Language     slo
Abstract     Background: The composition of periapical granulomas varies with the stage of development of the lesion. The aim of this study was to analyze the composition of these lesions in unsymptomatic teeth, symptomatic teeth, and teeth with treated and untreated root canal. Material and method: Thirty-three periapical granulomas were analyzed pathohistologically. Five consecutive sections from each lesion were evaluated. First section was stained with hematoxylin and eosin, in the remaining four sections macrophages, lymphocytes T and B and vascular endothelium were assessed by histochemical or immunohistochemical technique. Qualitative and semi-quantitative analyses were performed. The amount of connective tissue, the number and distribution of macrophages, and the density of B and T lymphocytes and blood vessels were determined. Results: Connective tissue was more abundant in granulomas found in asymptomatic teeth than in those with symptoms. All specimens showed an uneven distribution of macrophages, which were of different shapes and sizes. Multinucleated giant cells were present in lesions occurring in teeth with overfilled roots. Lymphocytes were the predominant cell type in most lesions; only three granulomas found in symptomatic teeth showed a predominance of macrophages. Epithelial cells were present mainly in lesions occurring in teeth with untreated root canals; these granulomas also contained the greatest number of B lymphocytes. Conclusion: Root canal therapy affects the development and healing of periapical granulomas. Therefore the treatment should be performed as soon as possible and with the utmost care.
Summary     Izhodišče: Sestava periapikalnega granuloma ni enaka v vseh razvojnih fazah, zato je bil namen raziskave preučiti sestavo periapikalnega granuloma pri bolečih in nebolečih zobeh ter koreninsko zdravfjenih in nezdravljenih zobeh. Material in metoda: Patohistološko je bilo analiziranih 33 periapikalnih granulomov. Pet zaporednih rezin tkiva periapikalnega granuloma je bilo obarvanih bodisi histokemično bodisi imunohistokemično. Prva rezina je bila barvana s hematoksilinom in eozinom, v preostalih štirih pa so bili imunohistokemično prikazani makrofagi, limfociti T in B ter endotelne celice. Preparati so bili kvantitativno in semikvantitativno ovrednoteni. Določena je bila količina veziva, število in razporejenost makrofagov, gostota limfocitov B in T ter krvnih žil. Rezultati: V periapikalnih granulomih nebolečih zob je bilo več veziva. V vzorcih tkiva periapikalnih granulomov so bili makrofagi neenakomerno razporejeni, bili so različnih velikosti in oblik. V granulomu zob s periapikalnim viškom polnitve so bile prisotne celice velikanke. V večini granulomov so prevladovali limfociti, le v granulomu treh bolečih zob so prevladovali makrofagi. Epitelij je bil predvsem v granulomu nezdravljenih zob, v njih je bilo tudi največ limfocitov B. Zaključek: Koreninsko zdravljenje vpliva na razvoj in celjenje periapikalnega granuloma, zato mora biti čimbolj zgodnje in natančno.