Author/Editor     Mrevlje, Živa; Štabuc, Borut
Title     Primarni jetrni rak
Type     članek
Source     Gastroenterolog
Vol. and No.     Letnik 7, št. 3
Publication year     2003
Volume     str. 6-12
Language     slo
Abstract     Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the commonest among primary malignancies of the liver and in the majority of cases arises in cirrhotic or posthepatitic liver. The incidence of HCC in the world varies among regions and follows the pattern of distribution of chronic viral hepatitis, peaking in Asia and Subsahar Africa. In diagnosing HCC we may choose between many diagnostic procedures, amongst which the leading one is ultrasound combined with serologic inqueries and histologic methods. The only efficient therapeutical measure with HCC is resection of the tumor or liver transplantation. In the advancedstage disease we can only offer paliative chemotherapy or embolisation of the tumor. Early diagnosis promises to increase the relative number of patients with resectable disease, but screening has not yet led to the expected success. The most useful screening method is abdominal ultrasound, the role of alphafetoprotein as a diagnostic screening marker has been shown to be dismal.
Summary     Rak jetrnih celic ali hepatocelularni karcinom (HCC) je najpogostejši primarni rak jeter in najpogosteje vznikne v cirotično ali posthepatitično spremenjenih jetrih. Incidenca HCC je v svetu različna in v sorazmerju sledi pogostosti kroničnih okužb prebivalstva z virusi hepatitisa, tako je incidenca najvišja v Aziji in Subsaharski Afriki. Pri odkrivanju HCC po uporabnosti in povednosti prednjačita ultrazvok trebuha in alfa feto protein v kombinaciji s serološkimi preiskavami in histološkimi metodami. Edina učinkovita metoda zdravljenja sta resekcija in pri nekaterih bolnikih transplantacija jeter. V napredovalem stadiju je mogoče le paliativno zdravljenje s kemoterapijo in z embolizacijo tumorja. Zgodnje odkrivanje bolezni lahko pripomore k večji stopnji ozdravljivosti bolezni, čeprav dosedaj presejanje bolnikov s cirotično spremenjenimi jetri še ni obrodilo pričakovanega uspeha.
Descriptors     LIVER NEOPLASMS