Author/Editor     Besednjak-Kocijančič, L
Title     Prehranjevalne navade in čezmerna prehranjenost otrok, mlajših od 8 let, iz občin Šempeter-Vrtojba in Miren-Kostanjevica na Krasu
Translated title     Eating habits, overweight and obesity of children under 8 years of age from community of Šempeter-Vrtojba and Miren-Kostanjveica na Krasu
Type     članek
Source     Slov Pediatr
Vol. and No.     Letnik 10, št. 3
Publication year     2003
Volume     str. 163-8
Language     slo
Abstract     There are only few studies about the eating habits of Slovenian children. The aim of this study was to establish eating habits of the children from 2,5 to 8 years of age in the community Šempeter Vrtojba and Miren Kostanjevica. The relationship between eating habits and the incidence of overweight and obesity was studied. 250 children and their parents were included in the study but only 186 (74.4%) have answered the questionary correctly. It is all together evident that many children do not eat meat, fresh vegetable or fruit. Some children (4.8%) have all meals in kindergarten or in the school. The study has confirmed a strong association between overweight and obesity of the children and the high weight of their parents. It is evident that families with overweight or obese children use more solid fats when they prepare their food. Early education about healthy nutrition is necessary.
Summary     Prehranjevalne navade otroka zrcalijo prehranjevalne navade družine. Namen raziskave je ugotoviti, kakšne so prehranjevalne navade otrok, starih od 2,5 do 8 let, živečih v občinah Šempeter-Vrtojba in Miren-Kostanjevica na Krasu, ter kakšen je njihov vpliv na čezmerno prehranjenost otrok. Izmed 250 staršev jih je 186 vrnilo pravilno izpolnjene anketne liste. Iz analize odgovorov je razvidno, da veliko otrok ne uživa mesa, sveže ali kuhane zelenjave, sadja in mleka. Kar 4,8% vprašanih pa je čez teden povsem odvisnih od prehrane v vrtcu ali šoli. Visok odstotek otrok (48,3%) vsak dan uživa živila z visoko energijsko gostoto. Raziskava je pokazala statistično značilno povezavo med čezmerno prehranjenostjo/debelostjo staršev in njihovih otrok in višjo incidenco čezmerno prehranjenih in debelih otrok v družinah z večjo porabo trdih maščob. Nakazuje se nujnost zgodnje vzgoje staršev o načelih zdrave prehrane.
Descriptors     FOOD HABITS