Author/Editor     Bregar, Renata
Title     Herbicidi in njihovi metaboliti v podtalni vodi
Translated title     Herbicides and their metabolites in ground water
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vars
Vol. and No.     Letnik 42, št. 4
Publication year     2003
Volume     str. 160-6
Language     slo
Abstract     The development and use of pesticides has markedly stimulated agricultural productivity. Herbicide production accounts for 46% of the total world production of pesticides. Triazines are the most widely used herbicides; they are mostly employed to control broad-leaved weeds and other vegetation. The majority of herbicides are applied directly to soil or are sprayed over fields. Because of large production, good solubility and high stability of herbicides, large amounts of these chemicals are released into the environment where they enter surface and ground waters. Given the fact that underground water is often the major source of drinking water, monitoring herbicide levels is essential for achieving the water quality objectives The paper closes with the presentation of the results of herbicide levels measurements in the Ljubljansko polje and Ljubljansko barje ground water.
Summary     Razvoj in uporaba pesticidov igrata pomembno vlogo pri povečevanju kmetijske pridelave. Kar 46 - odstotni delež proizvodnje vseh pesticidov predstavljajo herbicidi. Najbolj razširjeni so triazinski herbicidi - herbicidi za zatiranje širokolistnih plevelov in ostale vegetacije. Večina herbicidov se dodaja neposredno v zemljo ali škropi po poljih. Posledica velike proizvodnje in njihove sorazmerno dobre topnosti in stabilnosti je, da se od tu sproščajo v okolje in spirajo v površinske vode in v podtalnico. Za postavitev objektivnih meril za nadzor kakovosti voda je spremljanje koncentracij herbicidov v vodi nujno, še posebej, ker je podtalna voda najpogostejši vir pitne vode. Na koncu prispevka bodo predstavljeni rezultati spremljanja koncentracij herbicidov v podtalni vodi Ljubljanskega polja in barja.
Descriptors     FRESH WATER