Author/Editor     Piccione, G; Assenza, A; Costa, A; Fazio, F; Grasso, F; Caola, G
Title     Daily rhythms of the body temperature and some haematochemical parameters in donkey
Translated title     Dnevni ritmi telesne temperature in nekaterih hematoloških parametrov pri oslih
Type     članek
Source     Slov Vet Res
Vol. and No.     Letnik 40, št. 2
Publication year     2003
Volume     str. 71-6
Language     eng
Abstract     The presence of functional rhythmic variations is a well-demonstrated phenomenon at all levels of a physiological organization and especially in the functioning of cell components in tissues and organic systems. The circadian rhythmicity of livestock has received very little attention in chronobiological literature. Taking this little knowledge as a starting-point, the authors studied seven Ragusana breed donkeys in order to observe the circadian periodicity of their body temperature and some of their haematochemical parameters. A periodic statistical model was applied to the average values that were obtained. These results showed circadian rhythms of body temperature, glucose, triglycerides, phospholipids, total lipids, NEFA and total cholesterol.
Summary     Variacije funkcionalnega ritma so dobro pojasnjen pojav na vseh stopnjah fiziološkega organiziranja in še posebej pri delovanju celičnih komponent v tkivih in organskih sistemih. Ontogeneza cirkadiane ritmičnosti pri živini je v kronobiološki literaturi deležna zelo majhne pozornosti. Upoštevaje to dejstvo kot izhodišče, so avtorji proučili sedem oslov pasme ragusana ter opazovali cirkadiano periodičnost telesne temperature in nekaterih hematokemičnih parametrov. Dobljene povprečne vrednosti so obdelali s periodičnim statističnim modelom. Dobljeni rezultati so pokazali cirkadiani ritem telesne temeprature, glukoze, trigliceridov, fosfolipidov, celotnih lipidov, NEFA (neestrificiranih maščobnih kislin) in celotnega holesterola.
Descriptors     CIRCADIAN RHYTHM