Author/Editor     Pšenica, Janez
Title     Artroskopija zapestja. Indikacije in izvedba
Translated title     Wrist arthroscopy. Indications and technique
Type     članek
Source     Endoskopska revija
Vol. and No.     Letnik 8, št. 20-21
Publication year     2003
Volume     str. 127-34
Language     slo
Abstract     Arthroscopy of the wrist is a routine technique to diagnose and treat injuries and disorders of the wrist. Twenty years after the popularization of this method in the developed world, it is routinely used just in one hospital in Slovenia. The technique of wrist arthroscopy is described, and indications for its diagnostic and therapeutic use are discussed. The author performed 150 wrist arthroscopies in the period 1996-2002. Initially, the procedure was used only for diagnostic purposes but later on, as experience was gained and new instruments were available, it was applied predominantly as a therapeutic measure. This procedure is rarely associated with complications. The wrist is a complex set of joints; therefore, diagnostic evaluation of wrist pathology is a complicated task. Wrist arthroscopy, a relatively new diagnostic and therapeutic procedure, is playing an important part in surgery of the wrist. We believe that every hand and trauma surgeon should be familiar with this technique of wrist arthroscopy.
Summary     Artroskopija zapestja je uveljavljena tehnika spoznave in zdravljenja poškodb in bolezenskih stanj zapestnih sklepov. Dvajset let po uveljavitvi te metode v razvitem svetu se v Sloveniji ta tehnika še redko uporablja. Prikazujemo tehniko izvedbe artroskopije zapestja, svoje izkušnje in priporočene indikacije pri različnih poškodbah, popoškodbenih in bolezenskih stanji V šestletnem obdobju smo opravili 150 artroskopij zapestja. Sprva le diagnostični postopek, z izkušnjami, razvojem novih tehnike in inštrumentov, postaja vedno bolj tudi terapevtski. Zapletov artroskopije zapestja nismo opažali. Tako kot je zapestje zelo kompleksen skupek sklepov, je tudi obravnava in diagnostika težav z zapestjem zahteven postopek. Artroskopija zapestja je relativno nova diagnostična in terapevtska metoda, brez katere si kirurgije zapestja ni več mogoče predstavljati. Nekateri posegi brez znanja tehnike artroskopije zapestja niso mogoči ali so izvedljivi z bistveno večjimi posledicami za pacienta.
Descriptors     ARTHROSCOPY