Author/Editor     Osredkar, Joško
Title     Endokrinološko testiranje športnika ob sumu na zlorabo testosterona oziroma njegovih analogov
Translated title     Endocrine evaluation of athlete for testosterone or its analogues abuse
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vestn
Vol. and No.     Letnik 72, št. 12
Publication year     2003
Volume     str. 681-93
Language     slo
Abstract     Background. Doping involves the use of substances and methods prohibited by international and national sports institutions. The use of certain substances and methods is harmful to the human organism, so all sports organisations are trying to protect athletes from the harmful side effects of such substances and methods. Methods. The article deals with special protocol, which is used in the case, when the testosteron/epitestosterone ratio in urine is higher than 6 and less then 10. When establishing the use of testosterone or analogues, ketoconazol is used. If after the application the presence of a testosterone (T) to epitestosterone (E) ratio is greater than six (6) to one (1), there is an evidence of doping offence. Conclusions. In the case of T/E greater than 6 it is mandatory that the relevant medical authority conducts an investigation before the sample is declared positive. A full report should be written and should include a review of previous tests, subsequent tests and any results of endocrine investigations.
Summary     Izhodišča. Doping je uporaba snovi in postopkov, ki jih prepovedujejo mednarodne in nacionalne športne institucije. Uporaba določenih snovi in postopkov je škodljiva človeškemu organizmu in zato vse športne organizacije poskušajo zaščititi športnike pred škodljivimi stranskimi učinki teh snovi in postopkov. Metode. Članek predstavlja poseben protokol, ki ga izvedemo pri športniku v primeru, ko je razmerje testosterona in epitestosterona povišano, in sicer v območju 6 do 10. Pri ugotavljanju prisotnosti eksogenega testosterona oziroma analogov se poslužujemo antimikotika ketokonazola. Če po aplikaciji ketokonazola ne pride do spremembe razmerja T/E, je doping dokazan. Kot priloga je članku dodan trenutno veljavni seznam prepovedanih snovi in postopkov.
Descriptors     SPORTS