Author/Editor     Dornik, Ema; Vidmar, Gaj; Žumer, Maja
Title     Analiza citiranih virov Obzornika zdravstvene nege
Type     članek
Source     Knjižnica
Vol. and No.     Letnik 47, št. 3
Publication year     2003
Volume     str. 49-66
Language     slo
Abstract     The article is part of an extensive bibliometric and content analysis of the Journal of the Slovenian Nursing Association (JSNA), which was the topic of the first author's MSc thesis. The historical development of the journal is presented, while the empirical research focuses on references cited in the JSNA. The analysis is based on 843 papers, published in the Articles section between 1976 and 2001; 625 of them cite references, which are In average 6.9 years old. In general, the authors cite only a few references, but there are exceptions; altogether, 6.449 references are cited. The type and language of cited references were statistically analysed, whereby journal articles and monographs were studied in detail, as well as references to articles from the JSNA.
Summary     Članek je del obširnejše bibliometrične in vsebinske analize Obzornika zdravstvene nege, ki je bila tema magistrskega dela prve avtorice. Predstavljeno je edino strokovno glasilo medicinskih sester v Sloveniji, njegov zgodovinski razvoj in spreminjanje skozi čas. Članek je osredotočen na podrobnejšo analizo citiranih virov. V analizo je zajetih 843 prispevkov, objavljenih v rubriki Članki med letoma 1976 in 2001. Med temi jih 625 navaja citirane vire, ki so v povprečju stari 6,9 let. Avtorji v povprečju ne citirajo veliko virov, a nekateri s številom izstopajo; vsi avtorji skupaj citirajo 6.449 virov. Prikazana je analiza virov po vrsti in jeziku, pri čemer smo se posebej usmerili na citirane časopise in monografije ter med citiranimi viri posebej opazovali citiranje Obzornika zdravstvene nege.
Descriptors     NURSING CARE