Author/Editor     Besednjak-Kocijančič, Lilijana
Title     Pozitivna povezava med atopijskim dermatitisom in debelostjo pri otrocih, mlajših od šestnajst let
Translated title     A link between atopic dermatitis and obesity in children under sixteen years
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vestn
Vol. and No.     Letnik 73, št. 1
Publication year     2004
Volume     str. 5-7
Language     slo
Abstract     Background. Atopic dermatitis (AD) is the most frequent inflammatory disease of the skin in the childhood. The prevalence of AD, overweight and obesity in Slovenia continue to rise. An association between asthma and overweight/obesity was observed in girls, but a similar association between AD and overweight/obesity hasn't been confirmed yet. The aim of the study was to confirm the association between overweight/obesity and AD in two to sixteen years old children. Methods. 2240 children were included in this prospective study. A pediatrician visited them in pediatric dispensary of Health Centre Šempeter between 1st Jan. 2001 and 31st Dec. 2001. 751 children breastfed for 4 or more months and with normal parental body mass index (BMI) were selected for this study. Children were divided in three groups related to their BML: group A-normal weight children, group B-overweight and group C-obese children. Physician's diagnosis of AD was ascertained with the ISAAC core, positive skin prick tests and elevated specific IgE. Chi-square testing was used to asses significant differences in the prevalence of AD in overweight and obese compared to normal weight children. Results. 5.2% of children from group A had AD, 23.3% from group B and 32.7% from group C. A significant effect of overweight and obesity on AD was found (P < 0.001, Mantel-Haenszel chi-square test, Epi. Info, version 6.05.) Conclusions. This study confirmed a strong association between an atopic dermatitis and overweight/obesity in two to sixteen years old children. The causes of this association are unclear and the association maybe related to factors other than atopy.
Summary     Izhodišča. Atopijski dermatitis (AD) je najpogostejša vnetna bolezen kože pri otrocih. Prevalenca AD se povečuje tudi v Sloveniji. Prav tako sta v porastu čezmerna prehranjenost in debelost pri otrocih. Za astmo vemo, da se pogosteje pojavlja zlasti pri debelih deklicah. Povezava medAD in debelostjo pa še ni bila potrjena. Namen raziskave je bila potrditev povezave med AD in čezmerno prehranjenostjo ter debelostjo pri reprezentativnem vzorcu otrok, starih dve do šestnajst let. Metode. V prospektivno raziskavo je bilo vključenih 2240 otrok, ki so bili pregledani v otroškem dispanzerju Šempeter med 1. 1. 2001 in 31. 12. 2001. Izbranih je bilo 757 otrok, ki so bili dojeni vsaj štiri mesece in so imeli starše z normalnim indeksom telesne mase (ITM). Glede na ITM so bili otroci razdeljeni v tri skupine: A-otroci z normalno telesno težo, B-čezmerno prehranjeni in C-debeli otroci. Klinična diagnoza AD je bila potrjena s pozitivnim kožnim testiranjem po Pricku in z zvišano vrednostjo specifičnih IgE protiteles. Hi-kvadrat test je bil uporabljen za potrditev razlike v prevalenci AD pri normalno prehranjenih, čezmerno prehranjenih in debelih otrocih. Rezultati. AD je imelo 5,2% otrok iz skupine A, 23,3% otrok iz skupine B in 32,7% otrok iz skupine C. Pri opazovani skupini je bila potrjena povezava AD s čezmerno prehranjenostjo in debelostjo (P < 0, 001, Mantel-Haenszel hi-kvadrat test: Epi. Info, version 6,05). Zaključki. Raziskava potrjuje, da je AD povezan s čezmerno prehranjenostjo in debelostjo. Vzrok te povezave ostaja neznan. Za čezmerno prehranjenost in debelost pri AD so verjetno pomembnejši od atopije drugi dejavniki.
Descriptors     DERMATITIS, ATOPIC