Author/Editor     Dimec, Jure; Hudomalj, Emil; Hristovski, Dimitar; Vidmar, Gaj
Title     Medicinska informatika danes in jutri
Translated title     Medical informatics today and tomorrow
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vestn
Vol. and No.     Letnik 73, št. 2
Publication year     2004
Volume     str. 77-80
Language     slo
Abstract     The article describes the state and some trends in the development of medical informatics especially regarding the fields of scientific information, knowledge discovery in databases, and the role of standards in data exchange. The ways of publication of scientific documents experienced dramatic changes with the development of the www, hence causing major changes in daily information practice. Contemporary textual databases contain full documents of hypertextual and multimedia nature and links to full documents are increasingly common within the records of bibliographic databases. The last decade brought the advent of the web information tools, from web portals to global search engines, which are powerful aids but demand strong precaution regarding the quality of retrieved documents from the users. On the other hand, we are witnessing the development of digital libraries of scientific documents as a result of the self-organization of academic institutions, research groups and individuals, often in the opposition to the interests of publishing companies. The information support as an important element of medical procedures made possible the exchange of data between all segments of the health-care system and it has become clear that lack of standards governing structure, understanding and safety is among the biggest obstacles to successful data exchange. In addition, the article comprises a report on the methods of knowledge discovery in databases, which help us discover hidden structures and potential knowledge, invisible to the normal data processing software, in the enormous amount of data.
Summary     Prispevek opisuje stanje in nekatere trende v razvoju medicinske informatike na področjih znanstvenega informiranja in odkrivanja zakonitosti v velikih zbirkah podatkov ter v vlogi standardov pri izmenjavi podatkov v zdravstvu. Spremenjeni načini objavljanja v spletnem okolju so prinesli velike spremembe v načine informiranja. V sodobnih besedilnih podatkovnih zbirkah so urejeni polni dokumenti hipertekstne in večpredstavne (multimedijske) narave. Tudi bibliografske zbirke vedno pogosteje nudijo dostop do polnih dokumentov, ki jih opisujejo bibliografski zapisi. Minulo desetletje je prineslo razmah spletnih informacijskih orodij od spletnih portalov in velikih spletnih iskalnikov, ki zahtevajo od uporabnika veliko mero kritičnosti do tako pridobljenih dokumentov, do digitalnih knjižnic, ki so nastale s samoorganiziranjem akademskih institucij ali raziskovalnih skupin. Informacijska podpora kot pomemben sestavni del medicinskih postopkov je vsaj načeloma omogočila izmenjavo podatkov med vsemi segmenti zdravstva. Izkazalo pa se je, da je med pomembnejšimi ovirami za tako izmenjavo pomanjkanje standardov, ki urejajo strukturo, vsebino in varnost izmenjanih podatkov. Avtorji poročajo tudi o metodah odkrivanja zakonitosti v zbirkah podatkov, s katerimi v velikih količinah podatkov odkrivamo strukture in potencialno znanje, ki bi pri obdelavi podatkov z običajnim programom ostalo prikrito.