Author/Editor     Rihter, Liljana
Title     Testing the evaluation model in praxis in the field of drug addiction
Translated title     Preverjanje modela evalviranja v praksi v programih, ki se ukvarjajo z odvisniki
Type     članek
Source     Odvisnosti
Vol. and No.     Letnik 4, št. 1-2
Publication year     2003
Volume     str. 59-62
Language     slo
Abstract     The problems concerning drug addiction have been perceived as social problems in many countries and also in Slovenia. Different disciplines and different more or less efficient and effective programs in organisations within governmental, the nongovernmental and the private sector deal with thase problems. In the circumstances, where resources for social purposes are limited, it is necessary to support the programs which are more efficient and more effective. The appropriate tool that can help us to decide about effectiveness and efficiency is evaluation. The EMCDDA strives to develop different criteria and methods for evaluation that can be useful in the current situation. Since the criteria of evaluation depend mainly on the future development of the welfare states it is possible that in the future the main criterion will be-how much the social programs invest in the society. According to some theorists, the idea that social programs invest in society will prevail and a more optimistic development of welfare states with much more resources for social programs can be expected. On the basis of this criterion we created a general evaluation model. We tested the implementation of that model in a nongovernmental non-profit organisation in a program of social rehabilitation of drug addicts. The results were not surprising but we realized that further efforts will be necessary in order to get a more accurate assessment on the investment in society and that these efforts should include all parties. A firm system of evaluation can only be built with the cooperation of all parties.
Summary     Problemi, povezani z odvisnostjo od drog, so v različnih družbah in tudi v Sloveniji zaznani kot socialni problemi. Različne veje znanosti in različni programi organizacij vladnega, nevladnega in privatnega sektorja se ukvarjajo stemi problemi in so pri tem bolj ali manj učinkoviti. V situaciji, ko so viri za socialne namene omejeni, je nujno podpirati tiste programe, ki so bolj uspešni in bolj učinkoviti. Odgovor na vprašanje, kateri programi so bolj učinkoviti in uspešni, dobimo s pomočjo evalvacij. EMCDDA se zelo trudi razviti različne kriterije in metode za evalvacijo, ki bi bili uporabni v sedanjem času. Ker so kriteriji evalvacije v glavnem odvisni od stanja v državah blaginje, je mogoče pričakovati, da bo v prihodnosti glavni kriterij - v kolikšni meri financiranje socialnih programov pomeni investicijo v družbo. Po mnenju nekaterih teoretikov bo namreč prevladala ideja, da socialni programi pomenijo investicijo v družbo in da bo razvoj v državah blaginje bolj optimističen z več viri za socialne programe. Na osnovi tega kriterija smo oblikovali splošen model za evalviranje. Preverili smo implementacijo tega modela v programu psihosocialne rehabilitacije zasvojenih z drogo, ki ga izvaja nevladna neprofitna organizacija. Rezultati niso bili presenetljivi, vendar smo ugotovili, da so nujna dodatna prizadevanja, da bi prišli do natančnejših ocen investicije v družbo in da morajo pri teh prizadevanjih sodelovati vse vpletene strani. Le s takim sodelovanjem bomo lahko oblikovali trden sistem evalviranja.