Author/Editor     Drusany, Kristina; Pavlović, Andrea; Zwitter, Matjaž
Title     Kontrolni pregledi pri bolnikih z rakom v dolgotrajni remisiji
Translated title     Regular follow-up visits of cancer patients in long-term remission
Type     članek
Source     Med Razgl
Vol. and No.     Letnik 42, št. 4
Publication year     2003
Volume     str. 329-37
Language     slo
Abstract     Oncologists in foreign countries have been gradually abandoning routine check-ups of cancer patients in long-term remission because, even today, there is insufficient evidence of the effect of such check-ups on patients' survival and quality of life. In order to shed light on their difficulties,148 patients were surveyed who had been in remission for more than five years after a confirmed malignancy. The goal was to find out what their feelings were concerning the check-ups, and in particular if they would trust their oncologist that such check-ups were no longer necessary. One of our essential questions was: What would be the patient's response? The study revealed that 40% of the patients would have felt relieved upon hearing that regular follow-up visits were no longer needed. However, 30% of them would have felt discriminated against and unprotected. Based on all of the above, we came to a conclusion that a decision to stop further check-ups should be made only with the patient's approval.
Summary     V tujini so počasi začeli opuščati rutinske preglede pri zdravniku onkologu, saj je malo dokazov, da le-ti vplivajo na bolnikovo preživetje in kakovost življenja. Da bi osvetlili bolnikovo doživljanje kontrolnih pregledov, smo anketirali 148 bolnikov s potrjeno diagnozo rakave (maligne) bolezni, ki so že več kot pet let v remisiji. Zanimalo nas je njihovo doživljanje kontrolnih pregledov. Predvsem smo si želeli vedeti, ali bi zaupali presoji zdravnika onkologa, da pregledi na Onkološkem inštitutu niso več potrebni in kako bi se takrat počutili. Rezultati so pokazali, da bi v takem primeru 40% anketirancev čutilo olajšanje; na drugi strani pa bi se 30% bolnikov počutilo zapostavljenih in ogroženih. Odločitev o kontrolnih pregledih pri specialistu naj bo sprejeta po pogovoru z bolnikom.
Descriptors     NEOPLASMS