Author/Editor     Bešlić, Šerif
Title     MR imaging of aortic coarctation
Translated title     Ugotavljanje zožitve aorte z magnetno resonanco
Type     članek
Source     Radiol Oncol
Vol. and No.     Letnik 38, št. 1
Publication year     2004
Volume     str. 5-13
Language     eng
Abstract     Purpose. The purpose of this paper is to analyse the contribution of MRI as diagnostic procedure in the preoperative diagnosis of aortic coarctation (CoA), in patients with clinical and echocardiographic suspicion for this disease. Patients and methods. During the period of three years, eight patients were examined, 5 (62.5%) male and 3 (37.5%) female patients with clinical echocardiographic suspicion of CoA. The ratio between male and female patients was 1.7 : 1. The youngest patient was 3 and the oldest 46 years (median age was 15 years). Without administration of contrast media and using body coil the examinations were performed with MR machine Magnetom 1.0 Tesla (»Siemens«), with the slice thickness of 6 mm, Fast spin-echo (FSE) T1W sequencas, Cine gradient echo (GRE) sequence with slab 7 mm and time of flight (TOF) sequence with MIP reconstructions were applied. During the examinations the patients underwent also ECG gating. Examinations were done in axial, coronal and obligue sagittal projections with measuring of the dimensions of cardiovascular structures. Results. CoA was found in 8 (100%) patients. In 7 (87.5%) cases, coarctation developed at isthmus and in one case, coarctation was detected at the horizontal part of aortic arch, between the truncus arteriosus of the left carotid communis artery. Aortal insufficiency was found in 7 (87.5%) patients; in four of them (50%), bicuspidia was confirmed (bicuspid aortic valve), 7 (87.5%) patients had slightly expressed hypertrophy of the left ventricle. Two (25%) patients had dilatation of the ascendant aorta, six (75%) wider outgoing vessels of the aortic arch, four (50%) had well developed arterial collaterals and 2 (25%) patients rib notching. In 2 (25%) patients as side finding thymus persistent was found. Average diameter of coarctation was 10 mm. (Abstract truncated at 2000 characters).
Summary     Izhodišča. Namen pričujočega članka je analizirati pomen magnetne resonance pri ugotavljanju zožitve aorte pri bolnikih, ki so imeli klinično in ultrazvočno sumljive znake bolezni. Bolniki in metode. V treh letih smo pregledali 8 bolnikov, 5 (62,5%) moških in 3 (37,5%) ženske, pri katerih smo sumili, da imajo zožitev aorte. Razmerje med moškimi in ženskami je bilo 1,7 : 1. Najmlajši bolnik je bil star 3 leta, najstarejši pa 46 (srednja starost 15 let). Preiskave smo naredili z napravo Magnetom 1.0 Tesla, Siemensove proizvodnje, s 6 mm rezi, brez kontrasta in ob uporabi telesne tuljave. Uporabili smo T1 obtežene frekvence s hitrim spinskim odmevom (fast spin-echo T1W in z rezi debeline 6 mm brez uporabe kontrastnega sredstva ter gradient echo sekvence z rezi debeline 7mm. Naredili smo magnetno resonančno angiografijo vrste time of flight (TOF) z rekonstrukcijami projekcije največje intenzitete (MIP). Med preiskavami smo uporabljali EKG usklajevalnik, preiskave pa naredili v transverzalnih, koronarnih in poševnih sagitalnih ravninah in ob tem merili obsežnost srčno žilnih struktur. Rezultati. Zožitev aorte smo odkrili pri vseh osmih bolnikih (100%). Pri sedmih bolnikih (87,5%) je bila aorta zožena na mestu isthmus aorte in pri enem primeru bolniku na mestu horizontalnega dela loka aore, med truncus arteriosus in levo carotidno arterijo. Aortno insuficienco smo našli pri sedmih bolnikih (87,5%), od katerih so štirje (50%) imeli bicuspidijo (bicuspidija aortne zaklopke), sedem bolnikov (87,5%) pa je imelo rahlo izraženo hipertrofijo levega prekata. Pri dveh bolnikih (25%) smo odkrili dilatacijo ascendentnega dela aorte, pri šestih (75%) pa razširitev iztočnih žil aortnega loka. Štirje bolniki (50%) so imeli dobro razvite kolateralne arterije, ki so pri dveh bolnikih povzročile spremembe na rebrih. (Izvleček skrajšan pri 2000 znakih).