Author/Editor     Ramšak-Pajk, Jožica; Rajkovič, Vladislav
Title     Kariera medicinske sestre in samoevalvacijski model
Translated title     Model of self-evaluation in the process of career planning for a nurse
Type     članek
Source     Obz Zdrav Nege
Vol. and No.     Letnik 38, št. 1
Publication year     2004
Volume     str. 21-9
Language     slo
Abstract     The present article deals with the process of career planning for a nurse. Self evaluation as one of the important factors in the process is presented in detail. To this purpose, a computer based model of self-evaluation has been developed, presented in the second part of the article. The first part brings theoretical concepts like career theories, career field and women and satisfaction with career in the profession of health care. The development of multicriteria hierarchical model od self evaluation requires systematic, critical and responsible attitude. Stressed is the model of recognition and evaluation of one's own priorities and deficiencies. Self-evaluation process indirectly affects the quality of work of a nurse and her satisfaction with herlhis work.
Summary     Prispevek obravnava proces načrtovanja kariere medicinske sestre. Podrobneje je predstavljena samoevalvacija kot eden izmed pomembnih dejavnikov v procesu. V ta namen je razvit računalniško podprt model samoevalvacije, ki je predstavljen v drugem delu prispevka. V prvem delu so navedena teoretična izhodišča, kot so karierne teorije, področje kariera in ženska ter zadovoljstvo s kariero v profesiji zdravstvene nege. Razviti večkriterijski hierarhični model samoevalvacije navaja medicinsko sestro k sistematičnosti, h kritičnosti in k odgovornosti. Poudarjen je pomen poznavanja in vrednotenja lastnih prednosti in pomanjkljivosti ter razvijanja potencialov. Samoevalvacijski proces posredno vpliva na povečanje kakovosti dela medicinske sestre ter zadovoljstva pri delu.
Descriptors     NURSING CARE