Author/Editor     Pokorn, Marko; Gros, Anton
Title     Vnetje zunanjega in srednjega ušesa
Translated title     Inflammation of the external and middle ear
Type     članek
Source     Krka Med Farm
Vol. and No.     Letnik 25, št. 37
Publication year     2004
Volume     str. 60-71
Language     slo
Abstract     The inflammations of the external and middle ear are the most common causes of office visits for ear disease. Otitis externa is caused by various conditions that disrupt the integrity of the skin of the ear canal. The infection is most commonly caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus. Topical treatment is used. In mild cases, astringents are required, in more severe cases antibiotics alone or combined with steroids are recommended. Otitis media is the inflammation of the mucoperiosteal lining of the middle ear. Otitis media with effusion denotes the presence of middle ear fluid without signs of inflammation, clinically manifested by hearing loss. Tympanostomy tube insertion is used for treatment. Acute otitis media is characterized by sudden onset of signs and symptoms of acute inflammation of the middle ear. It is most commonly caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae and Haemophilus influenzae. The clinical signs of the disease include specific signs of middle ear inflammation (earache, hearing loss and discharge), nonspecific signs of infection and signs of upper respiratory tract involvement. Antibiotics are used for the treatment and amoxicillin is the preferred drug. In the case of recurrent episodes of acute otitis media, chemoprophylaxis is recommended in selected children. The incidence of acute otitis media is decreased in children immunized with pneumococcal conjugate vaccine and those given the new intranasal influenza vaccine.
Summary     Vnetja srednjega in zunanjega ušesa so med boleznimi ušesa najpogostejši vzrok obiskov pri zdravniku. Vnetje zunanjega ušesa je posledica različnih vzrokov, ki oslabijo tiste fiziološke mehanizme, ki vzdržujejo celovitost kože zunanjega sluhovoda. Okužbo najpogosteje povzročata bakteriji Pseudomonas aeruginosa in Staphylococcus aureus. Bolezen zdravimo lokalno, v lažjih primerih uporabljamo adstringense, sicer pa antibiotike, lahko tudi v kombinaciji s kortikosteroidi. Vnetje srednjega ušesa je vnetje mukoperiostalnega epitela votline srednjega ušesa. Izlivno vnetje srednjega ušesa označuje prisotnost izliva v srednjem ušesu brez znakov akutne okužbe. Vodilni znak bolezni je naglušnost. Bolezen zdravimo z vstavitvijo timpanalnih cevk. Akutno vnetje srednjega ušesa je nenaden začetek simptomov in znakov akutne okužbe v srednjem ušesu. Najpogosteje ga povzročata bakteriji Streptococcus pneumoniae in Haemophilus influenzae. Klinično se bolezen kaže z znaki prizadetosti srednjega ušesa (bolečino v ušesu, naglušnostjo, lahko tudi z izcedkom iz sluhovoda), s splošnimi znaki okužbe ter znaki okužbe dihal. Bolezen zdravimo z antibiotiki, izbirno zdravilo je amoksicilin. Pri ponavljajočih se vnetjih srednjega ušesa pri nekaterih otrocih priporočamo zaščito z antibiotikom. Vnetja srednjega ušesa se manj pogosto pojavljajo pri otrocih, ki so bili cepljeni s konjugiranim pnevmokoknim cepivom in z novim cepivom proti gripi, ki se daje intranazalno.
Descriptors     OTITIS EXTERNA