Author/Editor     Jesenšek-Papež, Breda; Sušnik, Zvezdana
Title     Ambulantna rehabilitacija bolnikov z možgansko žilno boleznijo
Type     članek
Source     In: Goljar N, Štefančič M, editors. Novosti v rehabilitaciji po možganski kapi. Zbornik predavanj 15. dnevi rehabilitacijske medicine; 2004 mar 26-27; Ljubljana. Ljubljana: Inštitut Republike Slovenije za rehabilitacijo,
Publication year     2004
Volume     str. 49-56
Language     slo
Abstract     The goals of post-stroke rehabilitation are to help survivors become as independent as possible and to attain the best po.ssible quality of life. Rehabilitation substantially help people achieve the best possible guality of life. Part of the time is spent relearning skills that the person had before the stroke, part spent learning new ways to do thinks that can no longer be done the old way. Rehabilitation should begin as soon'as a stroke patient come home. At the time of discharge from the hospital or inpatient rehabilitation units there are two rehabilitations programs: home-based and outpatient units. Home rehabilitation allows for greater flexibility so that patients can tailor their program of rehabilitation and follow individual schedules. These arrangements are often best suited for severely disabled people who are unable for daily transfer to rehabilitation units. The major disadvantage of home-based rehabilitation is the lack of specialized equipment and speech-language pathologist. However, undergoing treatment at home gives people the advantage of practicing skills and developing compensatory strategies in the context of their own living environmenl. Outpatient facilities are part of hospital or health care centre and provide access to physicians and the full range of therapists. Patients spend several hours, often three days each week, at therapy sessions. There is a big difference in the re habilitation approach between both programs: the home based one is interdisciplinary whereas the outpatient unit is multidisciplinary and therefore involves less coordination. (Abstract truncated at 2000 characters).