Author/Editor     Werdonig, Alenka; Hernja, Nada; Ropert, Diana; Groegl, Sergeja; Furjan-Varžič, Irena; Brumec, Milan
Title     Kvaliteta življenja otrok s polževim vsadkom
Translated title     Quality of life of children with cochlear implants
Type     članek
Source     Med Razgl
Vol. and No.     Letnik 43, št. Suppl 3
Publication year     2004
Volume     str. 63-7
Language     slo
Abstract     The experience of professionals working with children with cochlear implants and statements from their parents are testimony to a higher quality of life of these children and their families. We have verified such personal feelings in our report with questionnaires answered by the children, their parents and teachers. The results show that children with cochlear implants are well accepted in their environments and that they feel well there. The authors believe that comparative research cannot be performed in our environment. Each family must make up their own mind whether the cochlear implant will bring them a higher quality of life. This paper offers some information based on which the decision might be easier.
Summary     Izkušnje strokovnjakov, ki delajo z otroki s polževim vsadkom, in izjave njihovih staršev, pričajo o večji kvaliteti življenja otrok in njihovih družin. V našem prispevku smo ta osebna občutja preverjali z vprašalniki, na katere so odgovarjali otroci s polževim vsadkom, njihovi starši ter učitelji. Rezultati kažejo, da so otroci s polževim vsadkom v svojem okolju dobro sprejeti in se v njem tudi dobro počutijo. Menimo, da v našem okolju primerjalne študije niso izvedljive. Vsaka posamezna družina mora sama presoditi, ali bo uporaba polževega vsadka prinesla otroku in družini večjo kvaliteto življenja. Prispevek ponuja sklop informacij na osnovi katerih bo morda ta odločitev lažja.
Descriptors     COCHLEAR IMPLANT