Author/Editor     Bardorfer, Aleš; Munih, Marko; Zupan, Anton; Čeru, Bojan
Title     Upper limb functional assessment using haptic interface
Translated title     Ocenjevanje funkcije zgornjega uda s pomočjo haptičnega vmesnika
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vestn
Vol. and No.     Letnik 73, št. Suppl 2
Publication year     2004
Volume     str. II-19-24
Language     eng
Abstract     A new method for the assessment of the upper limb (UL) functional state, using a haptic interface is presented. A haptic interface is used as a measuring device, capable of providing objective, repeatable and quantitative data of the UL motion. A patient is presented with a virtual environment, both graphically via a computer screen and haptically via the Phantom Premium 1.5 haptic interface. The setup allows the patient to explore and feel the virtual environment with three of his/her senses; sight, hearing, and most important, touch. Specially designed virtual environments are used to assess the patient's UL movement capabilities. The tests range from tracking tasks - to assess the accuracy of movement-tracking tasks with added disturbances in a form of random forces - to assess the patient's control abilities, a labyrinth test - to assess both speed and accuracy, to the last test for measuring the maximal force capacity of the UL. A new method for the assessment of the upper limb (UL) functional state, using a haptic interface is presented. A haptic interface is used as a measuring device, capable of providing objective, repeatable and quantitative data of the UL motion. Apatient is presented with a virtual environment, both graphically via a computer screen and haptically via the Phantom Premium 1.5 haptic interface. The setup allows the patient to explore and feel the virtual environment with three of his/her senses; sight, hearing and most important, touch. Specially designed virtual environments are used to assess the patient's UL movement capabilities. The tests range from tracking tasks-to assess the accuracy of movement-tracking tasks with added disturbances in a form of random forces-to assess the patient's control abilities, a labyrinth test-to assess both speed and accuracy, to the last test for measuring the maximal force capacity of the UL. (Abstract truncated at 2000 characters).
Summary     Delo obravnava možnosti uporabe haptičnih vmesnikov za objektivno, kvantitativno in ponovljivo vrednotenje funk.cijskih sposobnosti gornje ekstremitete. Razvito je bilo merilno okolje in metodologija za merjenje funkcije gornje ekstremitete s haptičnim vmesnikom Phantom 1.5. Haptični vmesnik omogoča simulacijo dotika z navideznim prostorom preko generiranja sil, ki jih čuti operater/pacient, obenem pa služi tudi kot merilnik pozicije in sil. Merilno okolje sestavlja zmogljiv simulator/prikazovalnik navideznega prostora s haptično, vizualno in avditorno povratno informacijo z možnostjo mrežno distribuiranega izvajanja v realnem času. Naloge pacienta v navideznem okolju so ciljno oz. funkcijsko usmerjene ter zajemajo tri dimenzije elementarnega modela virov zmogljivosti: natančnost, hitrost in silo. V nestrokovnem jeziku je pojem sile pogosto zamenjan s pojmom moči, kar pa fizikalno ni korektno. V tem duhu naloge sestojijo iz: linearnega in krožnega pozicijskega sledenja z motnjami (perturbacijami) v obliki naključnih sil in brez njih, dotikanja točk v pacientovi frontalni ravnini, prehoda labirinta z dvema stopnjama prostosti gibanja in napenjanja relativno trde vzmeti v šestih različnih smereh z namenom merjenja »mišične moči« (zmogljivosti izvajanja sile oz pritiska). Merilno okolje oz. večmodalni simulator navideznega okolja omogoča preprosto gradnjo objektov in z njo povezano fleksibilnost in prilagodljivost naloge različnim zmogljivostim in težavnostnim stopnjam. Izvedena je bila obsežna študija z omenjenim merilnim sistemom v navideznem haptičnem okolju. (Izvleček skrajšan pri 2000 znakih).