Author/Editor     Longar, M; Fidler, A
Title     Računalniška tomografija in klasične rentgenske preiskave v stomatologiji
Translated title     Computed tomography and conventional radiography techniques in dentistry
Type     članek
Source     Zobozdrav Vestn
Vol. and No.     Letnik 59, št. 2-3
Publication year     2004
Volume     str. 45-51
Language     slo
Abstract     Tissues not accessible to inspection with the naked eye can be visualized with radiography. The decision to perform radiographic evaluation is made on the basis of clinical examination. In order to select the optimal method, the dentist must be familiar with the advantages and limitations of individual techniques. A shortcoming common to all conventional radiography techniques is two-dimensional presentation of organs and tissues which are three-dimensional structures. Computed tomography (CT) allows for three-dimensional data acquisition and visualization. State-of-the-art CT devices designed specifically for use in dentistry offer excellent image resolution associated with low radiation dose for the patient. It should be emphasized, however, that even the most accurate image cannot replace the history and clinical examination but can only provide valuable additional information.
Summary     Rentgensko slikanje nam omogoča prikaz tkiv, ki jih s prostim očesom ne moremo pregledati. Po kliničnem pregledu se po potrebi odločimo tudi za rentgensko slikanje. Poznavanje prednosti in pomanjkljivosti posameznih tehnik slikanja je predpogoj za izbiro najbolj primerne. Skupna pomanjkljivost klasičnih tehnik je dvodimenzionalni prikaz tkiv in organov, ki pa so tridimenzionalne strukture. Računalniška tomografija (CT), ki zajema podatke trodimenzionalno, omogoča prostorski prikaz organov in tkiv. Z razvojem CT aparatov, namenjenih stomatološki radiologiji, postaja ločljivost naprav večja, doza, ki jo prejme preiskovanec, pa manjša. Kljub temu pa še tako natančna slika ne more nadomestiti anamneze in kliničnega pregleda, ampak je vedno samo njuna dopolnitev.