Author/Editor     Strojan, Primož
Title     Cathepsin and their inhibitors as tumor markers in head and neck cancer
Translated title     Katepsini in njihovi inhibitorji kot tumorski označevalci pri raku glave in vratu
Type     članek
Source     Radiol Oncol
Vol. and No.     Letnik 38, št. 2
Publication year     2004
Volume     str. 93-100
Language     eng
Abstract     The invasion and metastasizing of tumor cells is closely connected with the disintegration of basement membranes and extracellular matrix. The carriers of these processes are different proteolytic enzymes, among them cysteine and aspartic cathepsins B, H, L and D as well, a group of ubiquitous lysosomal proteases, and endogenous inhibitors of the former, cystatins. The aim of the present review was to collect the current knowledge on the predictive and prognostic value of cathepsins and their inhibitors in squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck. In this particular tumor type, the UICC/AJCC TNM-classification system and histopathological characteristics of the tumors were found inadequate to reliably predict either the response to therapy or patients' survival. Moreover, to date, no factor within the wide spectrum of biochemical and histological factors has yet been idenrified as reliably predicting the natural course of the disease or its response to therapy. To construct a prognostically meaningful tumor profile, new markers are intensively investigated.
Summary     Invazija in zasevanje tumorskih celic sta tesno povezana z razgradnjo bazalnih membran in zunajceličnega matriksa. Nosilci teh procesov so različni proteolitični encimi, med njimi tudi skupina ubikvitarnih lizosomskih encimov, tj cisteinske proteaze katepsini B, H in L, aspartatna proteaza katepsin D in endogeni inhibitorji prvih, cistatini. Namen tega pregleda je bil zbrati dosedanje vedenje o napovedni in prognostični vrednosti katepsinov in njihovih inhibitorjev pri ploščatoceličnem karcinomu glave in vratu. Pri tej vrsti raka so se UICC/AJCC TNM-klasifikacijski sistem in histopatološke značilnosti tumorjev izkazali kot nezanesljivi kazalci za napoved bodisi odgovora na zdravljenje bodisi preživetja bolnikov. Poleg tega do sedaj še noben dejavnik iz širokega spektra biokemičnih in histoloških dejavnikov ni bil spoznan kot zanesljiv napovedovalec naravnega poteka bolezni ali odgovora na zdravljenje. Prav z namenom izdelati zanesljiv prognostični profil tumorja potekajo intenzivne raziskave številnih novih označevalcev.