Author/Editor     Govc-Eržen, Jana; Selič-Amon, Margareta; Žmavc, Andrej; Veninšek-Kajba, Simona; Rajtmajer, Milan; Kolar, Miran
Title     Koliko časa porabi zdravnik splošne medicine za administrativna opravila?
Translated title     How much time does a GP spend on administrative tasks?
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vars
Vol. and No.     Letnik 43, št. 2
Publication year     2004
Volume     str. 111-6
Language     slo
Abstract     Introduction. The aim of the study was to determine the amount of time that general practitioners (GPs ) in the Celje Health Centre spend on administrative tasks. Methods. In the first phase of the study, seven GPs measured the amount of time needed to cany out individual administrative procedures; for each, five measurements were done. The average time measured was considered the reference time required for individual administrative tasks. In the second phase, 18 GPs were invited to record all administrative tasks performed during five working days. On the basis of the data provided the amount of time needed for administrative operations was computed. Results. On average, GPs spent 21% of their consulting time on administrative work. During that time they completed on average 95 forms for 51 patients, mostly prescriptions (63) and referrals for specialist consultation or hospital admission (11). As much as 26.5% of the time dedicated to administrative tasks was spent on filling in forms for disability benefit applicants and 24.9% for writing out prescriptions. Conclusion. Setting up an effective information system and rationalizing administrative tasks, as well as ensuring closer cooperation of all those involved in treatment, are urgently needed to reduce the amount of paper work in general practice, and thereby enable GPs to spend more time with their patients.
Summary     Uvod. Z raziskavo smo želeli ugotoviti, koliko časa porabijo zdravnice in zdravniki splošne medicine v Zdravstvenem domu Celje za izvajanje administrativnih opravil. Metode. V prvem delu raziskave je 7 zdravnikov petkrat merilo čas za izvajanje posameznih administrativnih opravil. To je bila osnova za izračun povprečnega (referenčnega) časa za posamezno storitev. V drugem delu raziskave je 18 zdravnikov en teden beležilo število posameznih administrativnih opravil. Na osnovi teh podatkov je bilo mogoče izračunati delež ordinacijskega časa, ki ga porabijo zdravniki za pisanje obrazcev. Rezultati. Zdravnik porabi povprečno 21% ordinacijskega časa za administrativna opravila. V tem času napiše 95 obrazcev pri 51 obiskih bolnikov, največ receptov (63) in napotnic (11). 26,5-odstotni delež administrativnih opravil odpade na pisanje obrazcev za predstavitev invalidski komisiji, 24,9-odstotni delež pa na pisanje receptov. Zaključek. Tesnejše sodelovanje vseh vpletenih, znižanje števila opredeljenih bolnikov ter racionalizacija administrativnih opravil in prenos le teh na elektronske medije, lahko zmanjša administriranje in omogoči zdravniku, da bo posvetil več časa bolniku.
Descriptors     FAMILY PRACTICE