Author/Editor     Jeglič, Rozalija; Ramšak-Pajk, Jožica; Mihelič-Zajec, Andreja
Title     Psihični vidik obravnave pacientk z izrezano maternico z vidika medicinske sestre
Translated title     Psychological aspect of the treatment of a patient with hysterectomy from the point of view of a nurse
Type     članek
Source     Obz Zdrav Nege
Vol. and No.     Letnik 38, št. 2
Publication year     2004
Volume     str. 143-8
Language     slo
Abstract     Among all other tasks of a nurse in preoperative period of a patient awaiting hysterectomy, psychological preparation plays an important role. On the basis of literature survey, the theoretical part of the article explains the therapeutic relationship between nurse and patient, and the problem of body self-image of an obstetric patient as important factors. In the empirical part, data gathered by means of an anonymous inquiry applied to a random sample of 75 patients who had hysterectomy in 2002 because of a benign ailment are presented. Research results revealed that pcyhological preparation is carried out although not in all cases. More than half of the researched patients (57 %) responded that nurses possess enough knowledge for a qualitative psychological preparation, and their work was in most cases evaluated as positive. As much as 53 % of the patients describe the time before operation as the most stressful part of hospitalization. This very fact raises a new research question. Research results reveal that psychological preparation is an important part of nursing care.
Summary     Med številnimi nalogami, ki jih medicinska sestra izvaja v perioperativnem obdobju zdravljenja pacientke z izrezano maternico, ima psihična priprava pomembno vlogo. Teoretični del članka na osnovi pregleda literature osvetljuje terapevtski odnos med medicinsko sestro in pacientko, telesno podobo - samopodobo ginekološke pacientke, kot pomembna dejavnika v okviru psihične priprave. V empiričnem delu so podatki pridobljeni s pomočjo anonimnega anketnega vprašalnika na naključnem vzorcu 75 pacientk, ki so jim leta 2002 izrezali maternico zaradi benignega obolenja. Raziskava je pokazala, da se psihična priprava izvaja, vendar ne vedno. Dobra polovica (57 %) vprašanih je mnenja, da imajo medicinske sestre dovolj znanja za kakovostno psihično pripravo.Večina vprašanih je ocenila delo medicinskih sester pozitivno. Kar 53 % vprašanih je imelo v povezavi z obolenjem najtežje obdobje v času hospitalizacije. V tej zvezi se postavlja novo raziskovalno vprašanje. Nasploh rezultati ankete kažejo, da je psihična priprava pomemben del zdravstvene nege.
Descriptors     HYSTERECTOMY