Author/Editor     Butinar, Janoš; Mujagić, Emir; Galac, Sara
Title     The oestrus cycle in the bitch: a review article
Translated title     Pojatveni ciklus pri psici
Type     članek
Source     Slov Vet Res
Vol. and No.     Letnik 41, št. 1
Publication year     2004
Volume     str. 5-11
Language     eng
Abstract     The regulation of the oestrous cycle in the bitch is quite unique among the various animal species commonly encountered in veterinary medicine. The cycle, which has an average length of about 3 months, consists of the prooestrus, oestrus and metoestrus phases and is followed by the anoestrus phase that varies in duration. The duration and regulation of the luteal phase is the same in both cyclic and pregnant bitches. In contrast to some other species, the uterus is not involved in the regulation of the cyclic corpus luteum. While the first stage of the luteal phase is completely autonomous, the second depends on pituitary factors, mainly prolactin. It is still unclear whether LH has luteotrophic properties in the bitch. Recent studies centred on the role that hormones play in the oestrous cycle have led to developments such as the FSH threshold concept, which could lead to the induction and manipulation of the oestrous cycle. They have also led to the use of progesterone-receptor antagonists to control some of the physiological consequences of the luteal phase, such as pseudopregnancy. This article presents a review of the new scientific insights concerning the oestrous cycle of the bitch, with the emphasis on the regulation and complications of the luteal phase, such as the cystic endometrial hyperplasia-pyometra syndrome, acromegaly, insulin resistance, diabetes mellitus and the incidence of mammary tumours.
Summary     Regualacija pojatvenega ciklusa pri psici, ki ga sestavljajo proestrus, estrus in metestrus in traja približno 3 mesece, sledi pa mu različno dolg anestrus, je med živalskimi vrstami v veterinarski medicini edinsNena. Trajanje in regulacija lutealne faze se ne razlikujeta pri ciklični in breji psici. V nasprotju z nekaterimi drugimi živalskimi vrstmi maternica ni vpletena v regulacijo cikličnega rumenega telesa. Prav tako je prvi del lutealne faze popolnoma avtonomen, v nasprotju z drugim, ki je odvisen od hipofiznih dejavnikov, predvsem prolaktina. Še vedno ni pojasnjeno, ali ima LH pri psici luteotropno vlogo ali ne. V zadnjem času so prišli do nekaterih novih spoznanj o hormonskih dogajanjih, na primer uveljavljanje koncepta praga FSH, ki lahko sprožijo pojatveni ciklus. Prav tako so bile nedavno v raziskavah z antagonisti progesteronskih receptorjev osvetljene nekatere fiziološke posledice lutealne faze, na primer navidezna brejost (psevdogravidnost). Dajanje aglepristona, antagonista progesteronskih receptorjev, v zgodnji lutealni fazi ni vplivalo na njeno trajanje. Članek predstavlja pregled novih znanstvenih spoznanj o pojatvenem ciklusu pri psici, s poudarkom na urejanju in zapletih lutealne faze, kot so cistična hiperplazija, sindrom endometrija - piometra, akromegalija, inzulinska odpornost in sladkorna bolezen ter povečano pojavljanje tumorjev mlečne žleze.
Descriptors     ESTRUS