Author/Editor     Juntes, Polona; Demšar, Matej
Title     Morphometrical analysis of gastrin cells in the gastric mucosa of three-week-old pigs (Sus scrofa domesticus) and a comparison with other gastric enteroendocrine cells
Translated title     Morfometrična analiza gastrinskih celic v želodčni sluznici tri tedne starih prašičev (Sus scrofa domesticus) ter primerjava z nekaterimi drugimi enteroendokrinimi celicami v želodcu
Type     članek
Source     Slov Vet Res
Vol. and No.     Letnik 41, št. 1
Publication year     2004
Volume     str. 13-22
Language     eng
Abstract     The number and localisation of enteroendocrine cells from different parts of the gastric mucosa of three-weekold pigs were analysed. The basic method for the visualisation of enteroendocrine cells was immunohistochemistry and the results were compared to those derived through both the toluidine-blue staining for enteroendocrine cells and Grimelius silver staining methods. The greatest number of gastrin cells was in the pyloric mucosa with 124.66 +- 4.54 gastrin cells per mm2 in the antrum and 140.32 +- 5.30 per mm2 in the pyloric canal. The highest density of gastrin cells in relation to the thickness of the gastric mucosa was in the middle third of the mucosa with approximately 50 % of all gastrin cells. The remaining gastrin cells were evenly distributed in the upper and lower thirds of the mucosa. Cutaneous mucosa was negative for gastrin and other enteroendocrine cells. We found that the area of the small curvature, which has cutaneous and pyloric types of mucosa, had an average of 29.21 +- 2.97 gastrin cells per mm' and that the areas with cardial and fundic mucosa had lower averages of 0.61 +- 0.14 cells per mm` and 1.14 +- 0.11 gastrin cells per mm`, respectively. Morphometric analyses of the serotonin and somatostatin cells from the pyloric area, where there was the highest density of gastric cells, were performed. The numbers of both types of cells were much lower compared to the gastrin cells, with 17.7 +- 2.30 serotonin cells and 50.7 +- 2.76 somatostatin cells per mm2 of mucosa. The results of the silver staining and the toluidine-blue staining only partially correlated with the results of the immunohistochemical reaction. While many more cells reacted to the Grimelius silver staining (153.5 +- 0.32 cells per mm`) than to the toluidine-blue staining (51.15 +- 2.20 cells per mm'), there were still considerably less of them in comparison with the number of cells that reacted immunohistochemically.
Summary     V sluznici želodcev tri tedne starih prašičev smo določali razporeditev in število enteroendokrinih celic v posameznih delih želodca. Izhodiščna za prikaz enteroendokrinih celic je bila imunohistokemična metoda, primerjalno pa smo enteroendokrine celice barvali s toluidinskim modrilom za tovrstne celice in jih srebrili po Grimeliusu. Največ gastrinskih celic smo ugotovill v vratarjevi sluznici, v antrumu 124,66 +- 4,54 gastrinske celice na mm' in v kanalu 140,32 +- 5,30 na mm2. Največja gostota gastrinskih celic, glede na višino sluznice, je bila v srednji tretjini, kjerje bilo pribllžno 50 % vseh tovrstnih celic, preostale pa so bile dokaj enakomerno razporejene v zgornji in spodnji tretjini sluznice. Na področjih s kutano sluznico ni bilo niti gastrinskih niti drugih enteroendokrinih celic. Na mali krivini želodca, kjer se prekrivajo področja brezžlezne in vratarjeve sluznice, je bilo v povprečju 29,21 +- 2,97 gastrinske celice na mm2, na področjih s kardialno sluznico in sluznico pravih želodčnih ali fundusnih žlez pa je bilo njihovo število še manjše: 0,61 +- 0,14 celice na mm2 kardialne sluznice ter povprečno 1,14 +- 0,11 gastrinske celice na mm2 fundusne sluznice. Na področju vratarja, kjer je največ gastrinskih celic, smo morfometrično določili tudi število serotoninskih in somatostatinskih celic. Obeh vrst celic je bilo v sluznici tega področja značilno manj kot gastrinskih celic, in sicer serotoninskih 17,7 +- 2,30 na mm2 sluznice ter somatostatinskih 50,7 +- 2,76. Rezultati srebrenja in barvanja s toluidinskim modrilom so se le deloma ujemali z rezultati imunohistokemične reakcije. Celic, ki so se v vratarjevi sluznici pobarvale s toluidinskim modrilom, je bilo bistveno manj kot smo jih ugotovili z imunohistokemično metodo (51,15 +- 2,20 celice na mm2), medtem ko je v postopku srebrenja reagiralo bistveno več celic, čeprav še vedno manj kot pri imunohistokemični reakciji (153,5 +- 0,32 celice na mm2).
Descriptors     GASTRIC MUCOSA