Author/Editor     Podpečan, Ožbalt; Pengov, Andrej; Hrastnik, Uroš
Title     Treatment of subclinical staphylococcal mastitis
Translated title     Zdravljenje subkliničnih stafilokoknih mastitisov
Type     članek
Source     Slov Vet Res
Vol. and No.     Letnik 41, št. 1
Publication year     2004
Volume     str. 31-4
Language     eng
Abstract     The purpose of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of a treatment of subclinical mastitis in dairy cows, caused by the Staphylococcus aureus bacteria strain. In both Europe and the USA S. aureus is the most frequently isolated pathogen present in dairy cows suffering from subclinical mastitis. Studies have shown that amoxycillin, in its own right, is not sufficiently effective in combating S. aureus, however, when used in conjunction with clavulanic acid its efficacy improves significantly. The infected animals were treated with Synulox', which contains amoxycillin and clavulanic acid. In accordance with the manufactur's instructions, the treatment was applied intramuscularly and intramammarily. In total, 61 mammary glands of 37 cowswere treated. On average, the bacteriological efficacy of the treatment was 51.3 %. In animals with only one infected mammary gland the efficacywas 69.9%. Considering that such animals represented 56.7% of all the animals included in the study, we suggest that treating animals with only one or two infected mammary glands with Synulox is sensible and economically justifiable.
Summary     Namen raziskave je bil oceniti uspešnost zdravljenja subkliničnih mastitisov pri kravah molznicah, povzročenih z bakterijsko vrsto Staphylococcus aureus. S. aureus je najpogosteje izolirana patogena bakterija pri živalih s subkliničnim mastitisom v ZDA in v Evropi. Podatki iz literature kažejo, da amoksicilin sam ni dovolj učinkovit proti S. aureus, v kombinaciji s klavulansko kislino pa se učinek zdravljenja bistveno izboljša. Okužene živali smo zdravili s preparatom Synulox, ki vsebuje amoksicilin in klavulansko kislino. Preparat smo po navodilu proizvajalca aplicirali v mišico in v mlečno žlezo. Skupno je bilo zdravljenih 61 vimenskih četrti pri 37 kravah. Uspešnost bakteriološke ozdravitve je bila v povprečju 51,3 %, pri živalih z eno okuženo vimensko četrtjo pa 61,9 %, in sicer ob dejstvu, da so le-te predstavljale 56,7 % vseh živali v raziskavi. Glede na rezultate menimo, da je uporaba kombinacije amoksicila in klavulanske kisline upravičila naša pričakovanja in da je zdravljenje živali z eno ali dvema okuženima četrtma smiselno in ekonomsko opravičljivo.
Descriptors     MASTITIS, BOVINE