Author/Editor     Bigec, M
Title     Pediater, pediatrična urgentna stanja in organizacija dežurne službe za otroke in mladostnike
Translated title     Paediatrician, paediatric emergency states and organization of out patient emergency service for children and adolescents
Type     članek
Source     In: Gregorič A, editor. Otrok s hipertenzijo, zastrupitve pri otrocih, prvi stik s hudo bolnim ali poškodovanim otrokom. Zbornik 14. srečanje pediatrov v Mariboru z mednarodno udeležbo in 1. srečanje medicinskih sester; 2004 apr 16-17; Maribor. Maribor: Splošna bolnišnica Maribor,
Publication year     2004
Volume     str. 75-9
Language     slo
Abstract     Out patient emergency services for children and adolescent in the Health Centre dr. Adolf Drolc Maribor are organised according to the Law on the health activities. Regulations on services on duty and other law data, which define organisation of the health services at the time when regular out patient offices are closed. Out patient emergency service is a special work condition and its purpose is to offer urgent medical help. The most frequent visits happen on Sundays and during public holidays (on average 90, STD 23.0 visits, 7.5 children per hour, STD 1.9). most frequent visits are on Sundays and during public holidays in the morning, on average 52 visits in the morning, STD 12.9, 8. 7 visits per hour, STD 2.1, maximal even 15.5 children/hour.) In the year 2003 doctors spent on duty 1188 hours and nurses 2376 hours. Between 8 p.m. an 7 a.m. children and adolescents get help in the General Hospital Maribor. On average, there were 19% visits of children, i.e. 8.7 children per night. Paediatrician is the only one qualified doctor for children and adolescent till the 19 years of age. In our opinion, paediatric health service must be available 24 hours a day. Well organised, professional practice, health education and usage of modern information technologies should decreased unnecessary visits in the out patient emergency service. Out patient emergency service should gradually be organised as paediatric Centres for urgent medical help.