Author/Editor     Bizjak, Jure
Title     Indijska podcelina
Translated title     Indian subcontinent
Type     članek
Source     Med Razgl
Vol. and No.     Letnik 43, št. Suppl 3
Publication year     2004
Volume     str. 141-4
Language     slo
Abstract     Increasingly, more tourists and businessmen travel to third world countries. One of the favourite destinations is India, along with other nearby countries. Because of overpopulated cities and rural areas, as well as poor hygiene, the most frequent illness there is diarrhea, which can be caused by viruses, bacteria or parasites. Typhoid fever, cholera and dengue fever, which are relatively frequent in this region, are discussed in the article. Malaria, Japanese encephalitis and other frequent diseases are not included here because they are discussed in the other articles. Vaccination recommendations are also given, along with other information that can be useful before departure from this region and after arrival back home.
Summary     Vse več turistov, popotnikov in poslovnežev potuje v države tretjega sveta. Med priljubljenimi destinacijami je tudi Indija z okoliškimi državami. Zaradi prenaseljenosti mest in podeželja in zaradi slabe higiene je najpogostejše bolezensko stanje driska, povzročena z virusi, bakterijami ali paraziti. Podrobneje so predstavljeni tifus, kolera in denga, ki so relativno pogosti v teh krajih. Malarija, japonski encefalitis in druge bolezni, ki se tudi pojavljajo, niso obravnavane tu, ker jih obravnavajo drugi članki tega zbornika. Prikazana so priporočena cepljenja in drugi ukrepi, ki so smiselni pred odhodom v te kraje in po povratku.
Descriptors     TRAVEL