Author/Editor     Žohar, Magda
Title     Svetovanje medicinskih sester v zvezi s spolnostjo pacientkam, ki jim je bila operativno izrezana maternica v Splošni bolnišnici Celje
Translated title     Nurses in Celje general hospital and their women patients whose uterus was surgically removed
Type     članek
Source     Obz Zdrav Nege
Vol. and No.     Letnik 38, št. 3
Publication year     2004
Volume     str. 229-34
Language     slo
Abstract     The article presents the results of the research about the attitude of nurses of a gynaecology-maternity ward in Celje general hospital to the sexuality of women patients whose uterus was surgically removed. Primary goals of this research are to find outhow much nurses are familiar with the effectof hysterectomy to sexuality of their patients, to whatextend counselling is actually carried out in their work and what in their opinion influences counselling about sexuality afterhysterectomy on the side of the nurse as well as on the side of the patients. 33 nurses participated in this research. Research data were collected by means of a questionnaire. The results showed that nurses know the effect of hysterectomy on sexuality of their patients, but in spite of the fact that they accept counselling as a part of health care, nurses only occasionally give advice to their patients about sexuality after hysterectomy.
Summary     Članek predstavlja rezultate raziskave o svetovanju medicinskih sester v zvezi s spolnostjo pacientkam, ki jim je bila operativno izrezana maternica v Splošni bolnišnici Celje. Osnovni cilji raziskave so bili ugotoviti, koliko poznajo medicinske sestre vpliv histerektomije na spolno življenje pacientk, kakšno je dejansko izvajanje svetovanja o spolnosti po histerektomiji pri delu medicinskih sester tega oddelka in kaj po njihovem mnenju vpliva na pogovor o spolnosti po histerektomiji, tako s strani medicinske sestre kot pacientke. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 33 medicinskih sester. Podatki so bili zbrani s pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da medicinske sestre poznajo vplive histerektomije na spolno življenje pacientk, vendar kljub temu, da sprejemajo svetovanje o spolnosti kot del zdravstvene nege, pri svojem delu le občasno svetujejo pacientkam o spolnosti po histerektomiji.
Descriptors     HYSTERECTOMY