Author/Editor     Bon, Jure; Šešok, Sanja
Title     Skupne osnove duševnih bolezni?
Translated title     Common bases of psychical illnesses?
Type     članek
Source     Psihol obz Ljubl
Vol. and No.     Letnik 13, št. 2
Publication year     2004
Volume     str. 17-32
Language     slo
Abstract     Psychical illnesses are complex disturbances in the higher-order neural functions. However, medicine (and psychiatry in its framework) treated them as functionally homogeneously structure in the past, where the psychical functioning has been influenced mainly by changes in the balance between different chemical transmitters. Recently the advancement of neuroscience as well as some empirical evidence of some genetic studies substantionally change the understanding of psychical disturbances. In this article an attempt is being made to point out the importance of the syndromatic approach to study the psychical illness, using depression as an example. Recent knowledge is described on the existence of broader network for emotions processing ant its role in symptoms of different psychical disturbances, which are traditionally treated as similar or dissimilar to depressive syndrome. It seems reasonable to link the basic brain functioning to more abstract categories of human behaviour, e.g. recent research outcomes about the orbital core functioning, and to search the foundations of the illness symptoms within.
Summary     Duševne bolezni so kompleksne motnje višjih živčnih dejavnosti, vendar je v preteklosti medicina in znotraj nje psihiatrija možgane pojmovala kot funkcionalno dokaj homogeno strukturo, preko katere so na duševnost vplivale predvsem spremembe v ravnotežjih različnih kemičnih prenašalcev. Razvoj nevroznanosti in genetske raziskave zdaj že pomembno spreminjajo tudi pojmovanje samih duševnih bolezni. V prispevku s pomočjo primera depresivne motnje opozorimo na pomembnost sindromnega pristopa k raziskovanju duševnih bolezni. Opisana so novejša spoznanja o obstoju širšega omrežja za procesiranje čustvovanja in njegovi vpletenosti v nastanek podobnih simptomov tudi pri vrsti drugih duševnih bolezni, ki jih tradicionalno pojmujemo kot sorodne ali pa povsem različne od depresivne motnje. Izkaže se, da je temeljno delovanje možganov smiselno povezovati z abstraktnejšimi kategorijami človeškega vedenja, kot na primer pri novejših ugotovitvah glede pomena delovanja orbitalne skorje, in v njih iskati podlago simptomov bolezni.
Descriptors     MENTAL DISORDERS