Author/Editor     Kores-Plesničar, Blanka; Kordič-Lasič, Jasna
Title     Nasilje bolnikov in njihovih svojcev v zdravstvenih ustanovah
Translated title     Violent behaviour of patients and their relatives in health care institutions
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vars
Vol. and No.     Letnik 43, št. 3
Publication year     2004
Volume     str. 179-83
Language     slo
Abstract     Verbal and physical violence of patients and their relatives against health staff has been increasing all over the world. The reasons for violent behaviour van, often according to the specific features of the population, yet the consequences of verbal and physical violence are everywhere the same. Slovenia too, will have to focus more attention on this issue, and, using the collected data, establish specific guidelines for recognition, control and prevention of aggressive events in health care institutions will.
Summary     Verbalno in fizično nasilje bolnikov in tudi njihovih svojcev, usmerjeno v zdravstveno osebje, povsod po svetu narašča. Razlogi za to so različni; pogosto so odvisni od specifičnosti določene populacije, medtem ko so posledice nasilja povsod enake. Tudi v Sloveniji bi bilo potrebno tem problemom posvetiti več pozomosti in na osnovi zbranih podatkov o nasilnih dogodkih nad zdravstvenim osebjem pripraviti priporočila za prepoznavanje, obvladovanje in preprečevanje agresivnih dogodkov vzdravstvenih ustanovah.
Descriptors     HEALTH MANPOWER