Author/Editor     Dvoršak-Majcen, Suzana
Title     Sodobna oskrba ran - zakaj in kako?
Translated title     Modern wound healing - why and how?
Type     članek
Source     In: Židanik S, Tušek-Bunc K, editors. Medicinsko tehnični pripomočki. Zbornik 3. mariborski kongres družinske medicine; 2004 nov 26-27; Maribor. Ljubljana: Združenje zdravnikov družinske medicine SZD,
Publication year     2004
Volume     str. 90-4
Language     slo
Abstract     This article is about modern wound healing, describing four basic principles of it. The central part exactly introduces modern wound products of Convatec and how to use them. It explatns why and how they take active part in wound healing. Explains also why this way of working in taking care of the wound, helps to faster and cheaper wound healing.
Descriptors     WOUND HEALING