Author/Editor     Črnivec, Rajko
Title     Ocena zdravstvene ogroženosti delavcev v gradbeništvu
Translated title     Health risk assessment in construction workers
Type     članek
Source     Sanitas et labor
Vol. and No.     Letnik 3, št. 2
Publication year     2004
Volume     str. 95-146
Language     slo
Abstract     Construction represents an important branch of industry that makes up for a very large part of GDP in Slovenia and in the world. Between 2000 and 2001, construction industry in Slovenia employed 56, 834 workers, which accounted for six per cent of Slovenia's workforce. The majority of workers (89%) were men. Neither Slovenia nor the European Union have yet done a comprehensive comparative analysis identing health hazards in construction with respect to the activity subgroups, occupations and workplaces. The main objective of this paper was therefore to present the results of comprehensive assessment of health risks in construction workers relating to various occupations and workplaces, and to propose policy relating to workplace health and safety. The health risk assessment was based on the results of hazard analysis of different construction industry workplaces, done by the Institute of Occupational Medicine, Traffic and Sports. The data included: information provided by the expertise work in the field, measurements of ecological conditions in various workplaces, available literature data and provisions of valid Slovene legislation. The Institute's form "Hazard analysis and health risk assessment with safety measures thereof" was used for the integration and unification of these data. According to our studies and data from the literature, work in construction industry exposes workers to significant occupational health hazards. Assessments of occupational health risks in construction industry have shown that construction workers are exposed to significant health hazards, such as heavy physical workload, which contribute to a high rate of workplace accidents, occupational diseases and work-related disorders. Construction workers need comprehensive and effective occupational health protection. Preventive measures to improve workplace safety and health in construction industry were proposed to employers.
Summary     Gradbeništvo je pri nas in v svetu pomembna gospodarska dejavnost pri ustvarjanju bruto družbenega proizvoda . V obdobju 2000/01 je bilo v Republiki Sloveniji (RS) zaposlenih v gradbeništvu 56 834 delavcev ali 6% od vseh zaposlenih v RS: Pretežno so zaposleni moški (89%). Ker pri nas in v evropski skupnosti ni celovite primerjalne analize zdravstvene ogroženosti delavcev v gradbeništvu glede na podskupine gospodarske dejavnosti, poklice, delovna okolja in delovna mesta, smo v prispevku skušali podati integralno oceno zdravstvene ogroženosti delavcev glede na poklice ter delovna okolja in predlagati ukrepe varnosti in zdravja pri delu. Ocena zdravstvene ogroženosti delavcev v gradbeništvu v RS temelji na izsledkih Kliničnega inštituta za medicino dela, prometa in športa (KIMDPŠ) in sicer: analiz in zdravstvenih ocen delovnih mest (okolij), opravljenih v okviru ocen tveganja v gradbeništvu, izvedenskega dela, razpoložljivih ekoloških meritev, podatkov iz tuje literature in na veljavni zakonodaji. Integracija in poenotenje podatkov temeljita na inštitutskem formularju "Izjava o varnosti z oceno tveganja in ukrepi za zagotovitev varnosti in zdravja pri delu". Naši in literaturni podatki kažejo, da so dela in naloge v gradbeništvu zdravju škodljiva. Integralno gledano je zdravstvena ogroženost delavcev v gradbeništvu glede na kritične ocene zahtev, obremenitev in škodljivosti ter velikega tveganja za nastanek poklicnih zdravstvenih okvar (poškodbe pri delu, poklicne bolezni, bolezni v zvezi z delom) velika, zato ti delavci potrebujejo učinkovito celovito varstvo pri delu.