Author/Editor     Lipovec, Aleksander; Ihan-Hren, Nataša
Title     Keratocysts in the jaws
Translated title     Keratociste v čeljustnicah
Type     članek
Source     Radiol Oncol
Vol. and No.     Letnik 38, št. 3
Publication year     2004
Volume     str. 187-92
Language     eng
Abstract     Background. Jaw cysts are a common pathology; among them, the odontogenic keratocysts (OKC) represent a special group because of their aggressive growth and recurrence. Patients and methods. We established retrospectively the epidemiology and clinical characteristics of OKC among all the pathohistologically confirmed jaw cysts that had been surgically cured in the past ten years (from 1994 to 2003) at the Clinical Departrnent of Maxillofacial and Oral Surgery, University Medical Centre in Ljubljana. Results. Among 992 surgically removed jaw cysts, 106 were OKC (10.6% of all). Pathohistological diagnosis of OKC was eonfirmed in 90 patients, in 51 men (56.7%) and 39 zuomen (43.4%). Mean age of patients with OKC at the time of treatment was 36 years. The youngest one was 7 years old, the oldest one 83 years. Seventy four (69.8%) of OKC were removed from the lower jaws, 32 (30.2%) from the upper jaws. As to the location, OKC (49 cases - 46.2%) predominated in the angles and vertical branches of the lower jaw. Recurrence rate after the first removal of OKC was 22.2% (in 20 patients). First recurrence occurs most frequently (in 70%) within the first 5 years after primary treatment; the mean time till the first recurrence was 4 years and 7 months. Multiple recurrences of OKC were observed in 9 patients (10% of all patients with OKC). Five of the patients with OKC had the syndrome of basal cell carcinoma (Gorlin-Goltz Sy.). We found out that one third of OKC were clinically unexpected in regard to their untypical locations in the jaws. Conclusions. Itis critical for the jaw cysts to be pathohistologically examined. The number of cases of OKC among all jaw cysts in our study is significantly larger (3.5-time) than in the previous epidemiological study in Slovenia; but this may be the conseguence of previous underdiagnosis of that pathology entity. (Abstract truncated at 2000 characters).
Summary     Izhodišča. Ciste v čeljustnicah so pogosta patološka sprememba. Med njimi predstavljajo odontogene keratociste (OKC) posebno skupino zaradi svoje agresivne rasti in ponavljanja. Bolniki in metode. Retrospektivno smo ugotavljali pogostnost in značilnosti OKC med vsemi patohistološko potrjenimi cistami, ki smo jih kirurško zdravili na Kliničnem oddelku za maksilofacialno in oralno kirurgijo Kliničnega centra v Ljubljani v zadnjem desetletju (od začetka leta 1994 do konca leta 2003). Rezultati. Med 992 cističnimi spremembami v čeljustnicah smo operativno odstranili 106 OKC (10,6% vseh cist). Patohistološka diagnoza OKC je bila dokazana pri 90 bolnikih, od tega 51 moških (56,7%) in 39 ženskah (43,3%). Povprečna starost bolnikov z OKC v času njihovega zdravljenja je bila 36 let. Najmlajši bolnik je bil star 7, najstarejši 83 let. V spodnjih čeljustnicah je bilo odstranjenih 74 (69,8%), v zgornjih čeljustnicah pa 32 (30,2%) histološko dokazanih OKC. Po lokaciji so prevladovale v področju kotov in navpičnih vej spodnje čeljustnice, kjer jih je bil0 49 (46,2%). Ponovitev OKC smo po prvi odstranitvi zasledili pri 20 bolnikih (22,2%). Prva ponovitev OKC je bila najpogosteje (v 70%) odkrita v prvih petih letih po prvem zdravljenju, povprečni čas do prve ponovitve je bil 3 leta in 9 mesecev. Večkratne ponovitve OKC so bile pri 9 bolnikih (10% vseh z OKC). Med pregledovanimi bolniki z OKC je bilo obolelih s sindromom bazalnoceličnega karcinoma 5 bolnikov. Ugotaljali smo tudi tretinski delež OKC, ki so bile klinično nepričakovane. Zaključki. Ker je delež klinično nepričakovanih OKC znaten in povezan z netipičnimi lokacijami v čeljustnicah, se je potrebno pri vseh cistah v čeljustnicah odločati za patohistološko dokazovanje. Delež OKC navidezno kaže na znatno povečanje (kar 3,5-kratno) te patologije glede na prejšnje epidemiološke podatke v Sloveniji, vendar je to posledica predvsem prej nepoznane patološke entitete. (Izvleček skrajšan pri 2000 znakih).
Descriptors     JAW CYSTS