Author/Editor     Večerić, Željka; Cerar, Anton
Title     Comparison of Wistar vs. Fischer rat in the incidence of 1,2-dimethylhydrazine induced intestinal tumors
Translated title     Primerjava incidence črevesnih tumorjev povzročenih z 1,2-dimetilhidrazinom med sevoma podgan Wistar in Fischer
Type     članek
Source     Radiol Oncol
Vol. and No.     Letnik 38, št. 3
Publication year     2004
Volume     str. 227-34
Language     eng
Abstract     Background. Many investigators have observed differences in the susceptibility to induce intestinal tumors by 1,2-dimethylhydrazine (DMH) between various strains of rodents. The results are difficult to compare because of the different regimes used for induction. The purpose of our study was to evaluate the influence of strain on DMH-induced intestinal tumors between Wistar and Fischer rats. Materials and rreethods. We used 29 Fischer and 30 Wistar male rats that were injected subcutaneously DMH, weekly, at a dosage of 25 mg/kg-body weight for 20 weeks. After 25 weeks from the beginning of the experiment, the animals were sacrificed and autopsied. The complete length of colorectum and all macroscopic changes were examined histologically. Results. The induction of intestinal tumors was 97% in Fischer rats and 100% in Wistar rats. In Wistar rats 184 tumors were found: 133 adenomas, 50 tubular adenocarcinomas and 1 signet-cell carcinoma. 77% of careinamas were found in colorectum and 23% in the small intestine. In Fiseher rats, 126 tumors were found: 94 adenomas, 26 tubular adenocarcinomas, 5 signet-cell carcinomas and 1 mucinous carcinoma; 42% of carcinomas were found in the colorectum and 58% in the small intestine. The strain difference in the incidence of all induced tumors was statistically significant (P=0.001). The differences in the occurrence of the malignant and benign tumors was also significant (P<0.001; P=0.011). Extra intestinal tumors were not found. Conclusions. Wistar rats showed greater percentage of colorectal tumors, and also the distribution of tumors in colorectum resembled more the distribution found in human pathology. That is why we reeommend Wistar rat rather than Fischer rat for the research work on the colorectal tumors.
Summary     Izhodišče. Pri eksperimentalni indukciji intestinalnih tumorjev z 1,2-dimetilhidrazinom (DMH) so raziskovalci opazovali različno občutljivost posameznih sevov podgan. Rezultate je težko primerjati zaradi uporabe različnih režimov indukcije. Naš namen je bil oceniti vpliv sevov Wistar in Fischer podgan na indukcijo intestinalnih tumorjev z DMH. Materiali in metode. Uporabili smo 29 samcev seva Fischer in 30 samcev seva Wistar. Crevesne tumorje smo inducirali s podkožno aplikacijo DMH v dozi 25 mg/kg, enkrat tedensko, 20 tednov zapored. Po 25 tednih smo živali žrtvovali in jih obducirali. Histološko smo ovrednotili vse makroskopske najdbe ter celotno dolžino debelega črevesa. Rezultati. Indukcija črevesnih tumorjev je uspela pri 97% živali seva Fischer in 100% seva Wistar. Pri sevu Wistar smo našli 184 tumorjev, od tega 133 adenomov, 50 tubulnih adenokarcinomov in 1 pečatnocelični karcinom; 77% karcinomov smo našli v kolorektumu, 23% pa v tankem črevesu. Pri sevu Fischer smo našli 126 tumorjev, od tega 94 adenomov, 26 tubulnih adenokarcinomov, 5 pečatnoceličnih karcinomov in 1 mucinozni karcinom. V tankem črevesu smo našli 58% karcinomov, 42% pa v kolorektumu. Zunajčrevesnih tumorjev nismo našli pri nobenem sevu. Razlika med sevoma v pojavnosti vseh črevesnih tumorjev je bila statistično značilna (P=0,001). Značilni sta bili tudi razliki v pojavnosti malignih (P<0,001) in benignih (P=0,011) tumorjev. Zaključki. Pri živalih seva Wistar smo ugotovili statistično značilno večjo pojavnost tumorjev debelega črevesa. Tudi razporeditev tumorjev v debelem črevesu pri sevu Wistar je bila bolj podobna razporeditvi pri človeku. Zato se nam zdi sev Wistar primernejši kot sev Fischer za eksperimentalni model za študije tumorjev debelega črevesa.