Author/Editor     Mohar, Janez; Boehm, Mojca; Vogler, Andrej
Title     Pogostnost endometrioze pri zdravih in neplodnih ženskah
Translated title     The frequency of endometriosis among healthy and infertile women
Type     članek
Source     Med Razgl
Vol. and No.     Letnik 43, št. 3
Publication year     2004
Volume     str. 193-201
Language     slo
Abstract     Background: Endometriosis involves an appearance of endometriotic tissue with all of its histological and functional properties outside the uterine cavity. The frequency of endometriosis in women of reproductive age without symptoms and signs of disease remains unknown. This disease is probably the most frequent cause of infertiliry and impaired fertility. Objective: The objective of our study was io estimate the frequency of endometriosis in a population of healthy women and to define endometriosis as an important cause of infertility. Patients and methods: The study was carried out retrospectively. The women were divided into 2 groups. In the first group, there were 378 healthy asymptomatic women who wanted laparoscopic sterilization. In the other one, there were 111 primarily and secondarily infertile women, on whom diagnostic laparoscopy was performed in order to discover the cause of their infertility. From medical records of all the patients, medical history and laparoscopic data were gathered about the frequency and status of endometriosis, clinical symptoms and age. These data were compared between healthy and infertile women and between primarily and secondarily infertile women. The statistically significant difference was evaluaced at p <=0.05. Results: The frequency of endometriosis in the group of infertile women (33%) was significantly higher (p=0.001) than in the group of healthy women (3.7%). In most cases, minimal endomerriosis was found in both groups (57% vs. 86%). The difference in the frequency of endometriosis between the groups of primarily and secondarily infertile women was not statistically significant. Endometriosis represented the most frequently found pathology (33%) in the group of infertile women. Conclusions: Endometriosis is present in a relatively high number of healthy women and is also the most commonly found pathology among infertile women.
Summary     Izhodišča: Endometrioza je pojav tkiva s hisiološkimi in funkcionalnimi značilnostmi endometrija zunaj maternične votline. Pogostnost endometrioze pri ženskah v rodni dobi brez simptomov in znakov bolezni ostaja še vedno neznana. Obolenje je verjetno najpogostejši vzrok neplodnosti oziroma zmanjšane plodnosti. Namen: V raziskavi smo želeli ugotoviti pogostnost endometrioze v populaciji zdravih žensk in opredeliti endometriozo kot pomemben vzrok neplodnosti. Metode: Raziskava je potekala retrospektivno. Preiskovanke smo razdelili v dve skupini. V prvi skupini je bilo 378 zdravih brezsimptomatskih žensk, ki so želele laparoskopsko sterilizacijo, v drug skupini je bilo 117 primarno in sekundarno neplodnih žensk, ki jim je bila z namenom odkrivanja vzroka neplodnosti opravljena diagnostična laparoskopija. Iz osebnih popisov preiskovank smo dobili anamnestične in laparoskopske podatke o pogostnosti in stadiju endometrioze, kliničnih simptomih in starosti preiskovank. Dobljene podatke smo primerjali med zdravimi in neplodnimi ter med primamo in sekundarno neplodnimi preiskovankami. Statistično značilno razliko smo ovrednotili pri p<=0,05. Rezultati: Pogostnost endometrioze v populaciji neplodnih žensk (33%) je bila značilno višja (p=0,01) kot v populaciji zdravih žensk (3,7%). V obeh skupinah je bila najpogosteje ugotovljena minimalna endometrioza (57 in 86%). Med skupinama primarno in sekundarno neplodnih žensk razlika v pogostnosti endometrioze ni bila statistično značilna. Endometrioza je predstavljala najpogosteje odkrito patologijo (33%) v skupini neplodnih preiskovank. Zaključki: Endometrioza je prisotna pri relativno veliko zdravih in je hkrati najpogosteje odkrita patologija pri neplodnih ženskah.