Author/Editor     Rotovnik-Kozjek, Nada
Title     Prehranski dodatki in prehrana v visokih hribih
Translated title     Nutritional supplements and nutrition in mountains
Type     članek
Source     Med Razgl
Vol. and No.     Letnik 43, št. 3
Publication year     2004
Volume     str. 291-6
Language     slo
Abstract     Altitude acclimatization and altitude exercise are physiologically demanding for the body. During exercise at high altitudes, energy and fluid needs are almost difficult to satisfy with normal food intake. An inappropriate thirst and appetite response can contribute to rapid dehydration, glycogen depletion and weight loss unless adequate amounts of food and fluid are ingested. Dehydration may intensify the symptoms of altitude sickness and result in an even lower food intake. The first and the most effective preventative measure is to consume a minimum of 3 to 5 liters of fluid per day containing 200 to 300 mg of carbohydrate, in addition to that contained in the diet. In order to improve energy, protein and micronutrient (especially antioxidants and iron) intake, nutrient rich nutritional supplements may be used, which may suffice for short periods of strenuous exercise (e. g. heavy climbing), when normal food intake is almost impossible. These measures can help prevent dehydration, improve energy balance and the oxygen supply capacity of the circulatory system, replenish muscle glycogen and conserve bodily protein.
Summary     Prilagoditev na višino in telesni napor na višini sta fiziološko zelo zahtevna. Pri telesnem naporu na višini z normalno prehrano težko zadostimo potrebam telesa po hranilih in tekočini. Neustrezen odziv telesa z žejo in lakoto še dodatno prispeva k hitri dehidraciji in izgubi telesne teže na višini, če posebej ne pazimo na zadosten vnos hranil in tekočine. Dehidracija še poslabša simptome višinske bolezni in vodi do še manjšega vnosa hranil. Prvi in najbolj učinkovit prehrambeni ukrep je zaužiije vsaj 3-5 l tekočine na dan, ki naj vsebuje vsaj 200-300 g ogljikovih hidratov poleg tistih, ki jih dobimo s hrano. Za povečanje vnosa energije, proteinov in mikrohranil (še posebej antioksidantov in železa) si pomagamo s hrano, ki ima povečano gostoto hranil in jo najlaže zaužijemo v obliki prehranskih dodatkov. S prehranskimi dodatki si lahko pomagamo v pogojih (n. p. težavno plezanje), ko je normalen vnos hrane otežen. Na ta način laže preprečujemo dehidracijo, izboljšamo energetsko bilanco, izboljšamo sposobnosi prenosa kisika, nadomeščanje glikogenskih zalog v mišicah in zaščitimo funkcionalno telesno maso.
Descriptors     MOUNTAINEERING