Author/Editor     Petrovič, Nataša; Boben, Jana; Ravnikar, Maja
Title     Laboratorijsko testiranje trsnih rumenic v Sloveniji kaže na splošno prisotnost rumenice tipa počrnelosti lesa
Translated title     Laboratory testing of grapevine yellows in Slovenia indicates a widespread presence of Bois noir
Type     članek
Source     Acta Agricult Slov
Vol. and No.     Letnik 83, št. 2
Publication year     2004
Volume     str. 313-22
Language     slo
Abstract     Grapevine yellows are dangerous diseases caused by different types of phytoplasma. The two most important types are Flavescence doree (FD) and Bois noir (BN). Infected grapevine express exactly same type of symptoms regardless of the type of the phytoplasma. In order to control the grapevine yellows it is essential to know the phytoplasma type, which provides basic information for choosing proper and efficient control measures. Only the laboratory testing methods provide tools for the determination of the phytoplasma type. The testing included the vines expressing more or less typical disease symptoms. In majority of vines which tested positively, we were able to determine the phytoplasma type. The results showed the widespread presence of the BN phytoplasma in all wine growing regions of Slovenia.
Summary     Trsne rumenice povzročajo fitoplazme različnih tipov, od katerih sta najpomembnejša zlata trsna rumenica (Flavescence doree, FD) in rumenica tipa počrnelosti lesa (Bois noir, BN). Za nadzor nad trsnimi rumenicami je nujno poznavanje tipa fitoplazme, ki daje osnovne smernice za strategijo zatiranja. Tip fitoplazme je mogoče določiti le z laboratorijskim testiranjem. V testiranje so bili zajeti trsi z bolj ali manj izraženimi bolezenskimi znamenji trsnih rumenic. V večini na fitoplazme pozitivnih trsih smo uspeli določiti tudi tip fitoplazme. Rezultati laboratorijskih testiranj v letih 2002 in 2003 kažejo na splošno prisotnost fitoplazme BN v vseh vinorodnih deželah v Sloveniji.
Descriptors     PLANT DISEASES