Author/Editor     Martinčič, Andrej
Title     Kritični prispevki za mahovno floro Slovenije, 13-15
Translated title     Critical contributions to the bryophyte flora of Slovenia, 13-15
Type     članek
Source     Hladnikia
Vol. and No.     , št. 17
Publication year     2004
Volume     str. 15-24
Language     slo
Abstract     Based on revision of herbarium material from LJU the author discusses the occurrence of the species from the aggregate S. recurvum in Slovenia. He finds that three species grow in the territory of Slovenia, namely S. angustifolium, S. fallax and S. flexuosum. For each species a survey is given of all the sites for which there is herbarium material in LJU, as well as the literature in which they are mentioned. Ecology of the sites, with emphasis on the water regime and chemism, as well as the communities in which they grow, are analysed. The species S. brevifolium has not been noted before, but there is every possibility that it has been overlooked until now. Distribution of individual species is presented on the basis of the network of Central-European floristic mapping, and each locality includes an abbreviation of the corresponding phytogeographical region of Slovenia, based on the division according to M. WRABER (1969), supplemented in MARTINČIČ A. (2003).
Summary     Na podlagi revizije herbarijskega materiala, shranjenega v LJU, obravnava avtor nastopanje vrst iz agregata S. recurvum v Sloveniji. Ugotavlja, da uspevajo na ozemlju Slovenije tri vrste in sicer S. angustifolium, S. fallax in S. flexuosum. Za vsako vrsto daje pregled vseh nahajališč, za katere obstoja herbarijski material v LJU, dodaja pa tudi navedbe v literaturi. Nadalje analizira ekologijo njihovih rastišč, zlasti vodni režim in kemizem ter združbe, v katerih uspevajo. Vrsta S. brevifolium še ni bila zabeležena, obstaja pa velika verjetnost, da je bila doslej prezrta.
Descriptors     MOSSES