Author/Editor     Lanišnik-Rižner, Tea; Šinkovec, Jasna
Title     Vloga hidroksisteroid-dehidrogenaz pri uravnavanju aktivnosti estrogenov in progestagenov: primer raka endometrija in endometrioze
Translated title     The role of hydroksysteroid-dehidrogenases in the regulation of estrogen and progestagen activity: a case of endometrial cancer and endometriosis
Type     članek
Source     Med Razgl
Vol. and No.     Letnik 43, št. 4
Publication year     2004
Volume     str. 419-28
Language     slo
Abstract     Endometrial cancer and endometriosis are very common estrogen-dependent diseases. Endometrial cancer is the third most common cancer in women, while endometriosis affects around 15-20% of women of reproductive age and leads to infertility in 30-50% of patients. The current hypothesis postulates that exposure to estrogens unopposed by progestagens increases the mitotic activity of endometrial cells and the number of errors during DNA replication that can lead to hyperplasia or a malignant phenotype. The activity of estrogens and progestagens is regulated at the receptor and pre-receptor levels, by interconversions between the active forms (estradiol, progesterone) and inactive forrns (estrone, 20alpha-hydroxyprogesterone). The enzymes which are responsible for these interconversions are 17 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase and 20alpha-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase. The difference in the expression of these enzymes in endometrial cancer and endometriosis may lead to high estrogen concentrations and low progestagen concentrations, which could result in the development of endometrial cancer or endometriosis.
Summary     Rak endometrija in endometrioza sta zelo razširjeni od estrogenov odvisni bolezni. Rak endometrija je tretja najpogostejša oblika raka pri ženskah, endometrioza pa se pojavlja pri 15-20% žensk v reproduktivnem obdobju in je v 30-50% vzrok neplodnosti. Povišana koncentracija estrogenov ob znižani koncentraciji progestagenov vodi do delitev celic endometrija in s tem večje možnosti naključnih genetskih napak, ki lahko vodijo do hiperplazije endometrija in raka endometrija. Uravnavanje biološke aktivnosti estrogenov in progestagenov poteka na ravni receptorjev, pa tudi na predreceptorski ravni, s pomočjo encimov, ki biološko aktivni obliki (estradiol, progesteron) pretvorijo v neaktivni obliki (estron, 20alfa-hidroksiprogesteron). Encimi, ki na predreceptorski ravni uravnavajo aktivnost estrogenov in progestagenov, so 17 beta-hidroksisteroid-dehidrogenaze in 20alfa-hidroksisteroid-dehidrogenaze. Prekomerno ali prešibko izražanje teh encimov v rakavem tkivu endometrija in endometriotičnem tkivu se lahko odraža v zvišani koncentraciji estrogenov in znižani koncentraciji progestagenov, kar lahko vodi do razvoja raka endometrija oziroma endometrioze.