Author/Editor     Cvetko, E; Skalerič, U
Title     Limfna drenaža obzobnih tkiv
Translated title     Lymphatic drainage of periodontal tissues
Type     članek
Source     Zobozdrav Vestn
Vol. and No.     Letnik 59, št. 4-5
Publication year     2004
Volume     str. 115-23
Language     slo
Abstract     The lymphatic system is a part of the circulatory system that removes excessive fluid from tissues and returns it to the blood circulation. cleanses the body of foreign matter and provides immune cells for defence. In periodontal tissues, lymphatic vessels are most numerous in the gingiva, which serves as a barrier, preventing microorganisms from entering the periodontium and alveolar bone. They are less numerous in the periodontium and alveolar bone. and they are lacking in cementum. Lymph leaves the gingiva through vessels running apically in the periodontal ligament, on the surface of the alveolar process and through alveolar bone. In the periodontal membrane, lymphatic vessels are located mainly in the alveolar region. They communicate through Volkmann's canals wiih the lymphatic vessels of the alveolar process and alveolar bone. In the periapical region. they join the lymphatic vessels of the dental pulp. On its way to the venous system, lymph passes through several groups of lymph nodes, where it is filtered and receives lymphocytes. From periodontal tissues, lymph is carried into the submandibular and submental lymph nodes, and from there into the deep cervical lymph nodes. Lymphatic drainage is an important route for eliminating larger molecules from the interstitial spaces of periodontal tissues and a major pathway for triggering the immune response, which has a central role in the development and progress of periodontal disease.
Summary     Limfni sistem je del obtočil, ki iz tkiv odstranjuje presežno tkivno tekočino in jo vrača v krvni obtok, odstranjuje telesu tuje sestavine in oskrbuje telo z imunskimi celicami. V obzobnih tkivih tvorijo limfne žile najgostejši preplet v dlesni. ki je pregrada pred vstopom mikroorganizmov v pozobnico in čeljustno kost. V pozobnici in alveolni kosti so prepleti limfnih kapilar manj obsežni, v cementu jih ni. Iz dlesne odteka limfa skozi limfne žile pozobnice, supraperiostalno - po površini alveolnega odrastka in skozi alveolno kost. Iz pozobnice, kjer so limfne žile predvsem v alveolni polovici, teče limfa apikalno, prek Volkmanovih kanalov pa se limfne žile povezujejo z limfnimi žilami v alveolni kosti in s supraperiostalnimi limfnimi žilami. V periapikalnem predelu se pozobnične limfne žile združijo z žilami, ki vodijo iz zobne pulpe. Na poti v venski sistem prehaja limfa skozi več skupin bezgavk. v katerih se filtrira in kjer se ji pridružijo limfociti. Limfne žile obzobnih tkiv vstopajo kot aferentne limfne žile v submandibularne in submentalne bezgavke, od tod pa vodijo eferentne limfne žile v globoke vratne bezgavke. Limfni odtok iz obzobnih tkiv je pomembna pot za odstranitev intersticijskega materiala. kar preprečuje širjenje vnetja in omogoča celjenje, obenem pa je tudi pomembna pot za sprožitev sistemskega imunskega odgovora, ki ima pomembno vlogo pri nastanku in razvoju parodontalne bolezni.
Descriptors     GINGIVA