Author/Editor     Strojan, Primož; Stegel, Petra; Rotovnik-Kozjek, Nada
Title     Ocena prehranskega stanja bolnikov s karcinomom glave in vratu, zdravljenih z radiokemoterapijo
Translated title     Assessment of nutritional status of the head and neck carcinoma patients treated with radiochemotherapy
Type     članek
Source     Zdrav Vestn
Vol. and No.     Letnik 74, št. 4
Publication year     2005
Volume     str. 233-8
Language     slo
Abstract     Background. Due to its localization in the oral cavity, pharynx or larynx, the head and neck carcinoma affects, already in early disease stages, normal nutrition of patients. In Slovenia, systematic nutritional evaluation has not been so far included into the every day management of these patients. The aim of this study was to assess the nutritional status of the head and neck carcinoma patients before and after therapy with chemoradiation and to determine its influence on the treatment course. Methods. Prospectively, 30 patients (29 males, 1 female) with squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck, aged between 38 and 81 years (mean 58 years), entered the study. They were all treated with curative intent. The protocol for nutritional status evaluation consisted of an internationally recognized but nonspecific scoring questionnaire Mini Nutritional Assessment (MNA) test, containing questions regarding the disease and nutritional habits of a patient, anthropometric measurements, and analysis of some laboratory parameters (lymphocyte count, serum concentrations of total proteins, al bumins and transferin). Results. Before therapy, 33% of patients were classified as normally nourished, whereas after the therapy, the percentage was only 3% (P = 0. 006). Median weight loss during the therapy was 6.8% of the initial body weight (range: -16.2 to +3.1%); statistically significant weight loss was recorded after the second week of the therapy (P < 0.0001). The differences of body mass index and of all four laboratory parameters measured before and after the therapy were also statistically significant (P < 0.05). Therapy was temporarily interrupted in five (17%) patients, and no correlation was observed with any of the parameters used for nutritional status evaluation. (Abstract truncated at 2000 characters).
Summary     Izhodišča. Karcinom glave in vratu zaradi svoje umeščenosti v področju ustne votline, žrela ali grla že zgodaj prizadene normalno prehranjevanje bolnikov. v Sloveniji sistematična ocena stanja prehranjenosti teh bolnikov do sedaj ni bila del vsakodnevne klinične obravnave. Namen raziskave je bil oceniti stanje prehranjenosti pri bolnikih s karcinomom glave in vratu pred zdravljenem z radiokemoterapijo in po koncu zdravljenja ter ovrednotiti njegov vpliv na potek zdravljenja. Metode. V prospektivno raziskavo je bilo vključenih 30 bolnikov (29 moških, 1 ženska) s ploščatoceličnim karcinomom glave in vratu, starih od 38 do 81 let (srednja starost 58 let). Vsi so bili zdravljeni z namenom ozdravitve. Protokol za oceno prehranjenosti je vključeval mednarodno uveljavljen, a nespecifičen točkovni vprašalnik Minimalna ocena prehranjenosti (angl. Mini Nutritional Assessment, MNA), ki vsebuje: vprašanja o bolnikovi bolezni in prehranjevalnih navadah, antropometrične meritve in analizo nekaterih laboratorijskih parametrov (delež limfocitov, serumska koncentracija celokupnih beljakovin, albuminov in transferina). Rezultati. Pred zdravljenjem je bilo primerno prehranjenih 33% bolnikov, po koncu zdravljenja pa le 3% (P = 0, 006). Srednji padec telesne teže med zdravljenjem je znašal 6,8% izhodiščne teže (razpon: -162 do +3,1%); statistično značilen padec telesne teže smo zabeležili po drugem tednu zdravljenja (P < 0, 0001). Tudi indeks telesne teže in rezultati meritev vseh štirih laboratorijskih parametrov pred in po zdravljenju so se statistično značilno razlikovali (P < 0,05). Prekinitev zdravljenja je bila ugotovljena pri petih (17%) bolnikih in ni sovpadala z nobenim od parametrov za oceno stanja prehranjenosti. (Izvleček prekinjen pri 2000 znakih).